Equinox Balance Rabbit of Finding Yourself

Equinox Balance Rabbit of Finding Yourself

Equinox Rabbit of Balance

Great Rabbit of Balance, Heart’s Desire, and Reflections

This Vernal Equinox, as the Sun pauses over the equator, is a Time to Balance demands vs wants, heart’s desire vs routine, and play vs work. If we live within our own True Self, our work becomes play. Anything less is not validating this day in your life. We are here to easily flow in a good vibration, to explore and learn more about ourselves every day, and to be filled with joy as we dispense more joy.

Art is the perfect tool to take the inner journey and discover our Personal Voice. Once we find ourselves, and can name our true talents, we can focus on building on our natural strengths and do what comes easiest to us. This is how life was meant to be. The Journey of the Dreamer gives tools and directives to keep us all on track to knowing who we really are, not what the world has told us to be. This place creates a momentum that is exciting, passionate, and fun.

I wish you all could join us in my studio starting in April and explore the treasure within each of us. Art nourishes and enriches lives in deep ways, like nothing else can. It’s an experience, not something you read about or is told to you. Certainly not something you can Think into being. You know it and feel it. Feelings are the guideposts to all we do.

“A strength is what you do that makes you feel strengthened.” Marcus Buckingham

That’s the goal. We’re not here to do finished paintings, but to do all sorts of creativity to find what we love, what we can sink ourselves into, what fills us with happiness in the doing. There’s a lot of powerful energy surrounding this Equinox. I could hardly sleep last night! So I funnel this energy into creating, honoring my dear beloved Bunskers who graced our presence for 10 yrs, and finding my balance. As they say, If you are a writer, then write! Whatever it is that you are, first and foremost you are a Creator of your life every day. You call the shots, you make the choices. So don’t let Life live you until you drop. Pause, like the Great Sun, tally up all that you do in a day, and find your passion, your heart’s desire, that innate talent you were born with, and honor it. Here’s to more love, kindness, and peace. More about The Journey here.  More about Marcus Buckingham and his books here.

Hawk New Moon Visitation

Mother Fox, Moon of Remembering (who we really are)

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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