3 Ways to Make Your Art Sing

3 Ways to Make Your Art Sing

3 ways to make your art sing
Woman of Paris, new painting

3 ways to make your art sing must begin with making it your own. This is personal to you in some way. Maybe it’s the colors you love, or the subject matter that calls to you today. Personal art is meaningful art that ignites your passion.

I’m taking an online ‘painting faces’ class with the wonderful Pauline Agnew. She just showed us some new ways to mix colors. I made my painting ‘my own’ by using the new color mixing, choosing a favorite photo of the beautiful Marion Cotillard, and finding a style to inspire me on pinterest. The result is an original, fresh, pleasing portrait of a French woman, unlike any I have made before.

Secondly, loosen up your control over the art. The more faces, landscapes, or flowers you do, the better you get. It’s all a learning process that takes practice. Plus, it’s way more fun than agonizing over every mark.

Hold the brush or pencil lightly, move in rhythm, and work around the whole image. Don’t get hung up on any one area. Work from lightest tones to darkest, broad strokes to minimal details. Knowing it’s the process, the skills acquired that matter, allows you to move forward without concern over the end result.

3 ways to make your art sing creates magic

I never think anything is a mistake. Each brushstroke, blend, and shape surprises me. I believe I am creating magic every time I paint, draw, or color. My confidence and happiness builds with each art discovery I make.

Thirdly, remember you are an artist, interpreting an image or scene. You are not a camera. So faces don’t have to look exactly like anyone. As a matter of fact, if you blur the details, you make art that is more Universal and appeals to the vast majority of people. Excellent!

A scene can be from anywhere in the world or cosmos. Let go & allow intuition to choose the colors, placement, and texture. This is finding your Voice, your Style.

So join me at Dragonfly Art Studios, Pat Gullett Designs for more inspiration, connection, and fun. Let’s create our new normal and become the artists of our dreams.

2 Responses to 3 Ways to Make Your Art Sing

  1. She is so beautiful, Pat! And I love the emphasis of making it your own, your own palette and style. Love being with you again!

    • Thank you Terri! I’m really exploring the ‘make it have Universal appeal’, too! Pauline really stretches us to do the hard things which we tend to avoid! The challenge is good for us! So glad we continue our art journey together, too! It’s like you are my Sister on the art path.

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