3 Ways to Thrive as an Artist
3 ways to thrive as an artist involve a combination of knowing techniques, holding a healthy belief system, and sharing art with a supportive artistic group. Making and sharing our art is hard, since it’s a personal piece of our Self. It’s our thoughts, our abilities, and our choices manifested on canvas, paper, or fabric.
First of all, a language of art fundamentals strengthens your overall understanding of the creative process. Applying the principles of value, tone, movement, design, color, and techniques, is hands on deep learning to grow upon. This means DOING! Getting your hands dirty. Feeling how things work expands your art and Aha moments with confidence like no other. Learning is Not just watching a video.
Secondly, a healthy belief system towards any creative act means being comfortable with the idea that it’s practice. Each piece is about the process, not about making a perfect masterpiece. Art should be easy, and not hurt. All we do is learn and grow with each piece. Let it be just that, a step on the artistic path. Don’t make it too precious.
Often we’re afraid of criticism. We get stuck as our inner critic screams it’s not good enough. Let me say this: those who can’t Do, Criticize. Inner child critic will stop us in our tracks as quickly as some unknown bully on the internet. Ask the Critic, have you made a painting from scratch, written a novel, filmed an original movie? Without hands on learning experience, no one has a right to critique anything. They are riding on your bravery to create and share your art.
3 ways to thrive as an artist includes courageously sharing your art in a supportive community. This is your personal gift to the world. Your art is a piece of experience and discovery in your creative life. No one can do this in just the same way. You never know how your art will impact another.
As you share, others will share, and we’ll all expand. Feedback can be interesting, and give a different perspective. Always remember the speaker has their own reality, own agenda, and take it or leave it. It doesn’t matter in the big play of life.
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