4 Ways to Hit the ‘Reboot Life’ Button

4 Ways to Hit the ‘Reboot Life’ Button

 A large POP sent me scurrying around the house trying to get my Power back While re-setting timers, clocks, and tripped switches, I found my Mac needed an upgrade, which really put me on hold. The whole computer froze up, was beyond Slow, and I had to walk away while it uploaded, replaced, and optimized…Continue Reading

One Response to 4 Ways to Hit the ‘Reboot Life’ Button

  1. Right on, Pat! A similar thing happened with me. My Mac froze up and I couldn’t do anything until I stopped and took the time out to upgrade the system. That led to my looking very deeply at my house and the ‘stuff’ I live with. I saw that I needed to go a few layers deeper and release what needed to go in order to get the energy moving correctly again. Now I do the daily maintenance necessary to keep Mac and my house CLEAR. Lesson learned!

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