The Pause of Summer Solstice
Summertime. The Sun takes a break from it’s journey across the sky, seems to rest in a holding pattern, and gives us all time to breathe. The skies are brighter with longer days and refreshing nights. The horizon calls us to explore, rejuvenate, and spread our wings. Time to pause, unwind, and refresh, as we escape the cell phones and head for secret beaches, hidden coves, and new vistas. And, in total synchronicity, my watch has stopped!
As I look around my space, the flowers seem to glow, radiate from within, especially at twilight. This must be the inspiration for Pandora, the brilliant colors of inner light. Two rabbits dance in the shade, reveling in another clover filled summer together. Our bat has returned to swoop & clear the air of any insects in his path. Around the electronic feeder in the woods, a racoon, some deer, and an occasional wild turkey joins the ravens and assorted birds to feed on the cracked corn and birdseed. Dragonflies and hummingbirds make their own music with magical wings soaring around the deck flowers.
And then, a large snapping turtle arrived. At least 16″ long, with her prehistoric head, strong thick legs, and pointed tail, she is on a mission. Avoiding the racoon near the creek, she’s been busily digging in the mulch around our poppies and dogwood right in front of our house, to lay her clutch of eggs. There’s no deterring this one. Our house seems to be a safe place where wildlife gather.
This is the Magic I seek every day, the Mystery of Nature, the visitations from the forest creatures. This is the real life always waiting for us to remember. It’s alive with promise, possibilities, and just pure joy to experience yet another summer. Be the Turtle on a mission to find Magic! Lucky us!
Ways to Find the Magic:
Positive Feelings- Beauty is always there, waiting to be discovered. We all go through our emotional ups and downs, love and grief that changes us forever. But if we Believe in the Journey, in the cycles of life, then we can dream, love and accept all that comes our way. Each moment is a gift, sometimes in disguise, but always the ‘present’. Pay attention to your physical sensations. Positive feelings, goosebumps, smiles show you the path to take. Listen to your body to lead the way. Always go for what feels good. It shouldn’t be hard.
Know You are the Master Artist of your Life. It’s your creation every day. Even with all the bumps along the way, it’s still your choice to do with it as you please. Take notes of thoughts, connections, and synchronicities that come your way. Truth is in the details. It’s your inner guidance system showing what’s best for you!
Trust the Answers-Deeper than this thought, this body, this personality, lies the spark of the Divine, waiting to come out in your intuition, inspiration, and the senses. Listen for it, call to it, taste it, and inhale it with every deep breath. It’s in the Flow of the current, the dance of life. Let go of control and TRUST it’s energy to guide you through all you choose to do, easily & effortlessly. The connection with your Higher Self, your Divine Essence is the truest love you’ll ever find. You are partners on this journey.
And this Summer Solstice, June 21, Escape the Everyday. Do something Fun. For sure walk away from Social Media. Read, paint, draw, write, sing, dance, light candles, play, create your special talent. This is the path to the Soul. You are more than this body, but your body is the doorway to Spirit, Truth, and Love. The Magic lies in the Doing.
Magic lives in the inner Sanctuary of your heart. Visit it often.
“You must learn to get in touch with the innermost essence of your being. This true essence is beyond the ego. It is fearless; it is free; it is immune to criticism; it does not fear any challenge. It is beneath no one, superior to no one, and full of magic, mystery, and enchantment.” -Deepak Chopra –
Ways to hear your Higher Self.

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