All New for 2016

All New for 2016

Prints of New Images available
                                          Prints of New Images available

Arriving at a fresh start, seeing all new possibilities, heals the soul.

My website has a whole new look, I’ve added links to buy Giclee prints of my latest paintings, and my Wabi Sabi Alchemy classes will be offered this week. In this cyberworld, so many images of my past paintings were saved as transparencies (no longer in demand for reprints), or on my old PC (switched to a Mac now, pics not compatible), or in programs that don’t work on El Capitan (must upgrade but oops, you may lose some apps!!). There is no choice but to ‘Move Forward. Don’t look Back’! It’s as though the World Wide Web will not let us get too comfortable in the old ways of doing work. There’s new technology, new learning skills, new programs to be learned, that inundate us with with constantly exponentially growing information. Mind can’t keep up with it all.

There comes a point to learn what you can, apply it as best as you can to your personal life and business, and let go of huge amounts of vast knowledge that may forever be unknown to you personally. It’s like the cosmic black hole of never-ending shifts and changes. Thinking won’t do it.

I dive deep into a place of knowing what I need in the moment. It’s where intuition lives. There’s a bodily feeling to this place that gives goosebumps, hair rising on my arms, and a pit of the stomach recognition, that let’s me know I’m on the right path for me, at this moment of time. It’s a great place to visit daily, and doing art helps me get there. So with this new year of fresh new ideas, I offer you my 2016 website: And let’s not forget new prints like ‘Bear Rising’, to be found under Power Animal Prints: Enjoy and Onward!!!

Bear Rising, 9"x12" prints available
Bear Rising, 9″x12″ prints available

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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Spring Equinox Moon
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