The Creative Spark

The Creative Spark

Hidden Glen, my new painting from the Wabi Sabi Alchemy Class.

Be Engaged in Creativity Every Day.

Mornings are for inspiration! Get your curiosity going for the day. Read/Listen to your favorite inspirational author. Sketch, write, gather information. Be aware of what you’re drawing to you and only keep the uplifting good stuff. Start the day off with whatever exciting thing you can imagine. Surprise yourself!

As we start to feel a ‘way too early’ Spring, dive into something new. For the last two years at this time, I took online classes. This year I’m giving Wabi Sabi Alchemy…taking the next step to upping the passion. I want my students to have as much fun as I am doing the art. ‘Hidden Glen’ could never have happened without the class projects I’ve created. It is totally an in the moment, letting the art guide me, experience….and it amazes me how ethereal & otherworldly it is.

Allow Creativity to excite you in all its forms. During an amazing French dinner, our waiter explained the making of the spiral taste sensation on our luscious chicken dinners as celeriac…the chef’s special recipe for celery root. Celery Root???!! I have a spiral cutter! Yesterday at the grocery, I found the huge gnarled ball of celery root! One insightful YouTube of French Chef Eric Arrouze’ creating his version of Celeriac Remoulade, and I was on my way! New, innovative, and delicious, I was on a roll.

Renew yourself like an early Spring rain. Follow a new path. Experiment with something you’ve never done before. It will awaken all your senses, really make you mindful of being ‘in the moment’, and be a lot of fun along the way. That’s what I hope for all my engaged students taking the classes.

à bientôtWabiSabiTEXTMistakes

Hidden Glen...I found crocus growing in the yard & added some to the rocks
Hidden Glen…I found crocus growing in the yard & added some to the rocks

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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