Ancient Civilization Inspiration

Ancient Civilization Inspiration

Thunderbird, Inspired by a Sixth century Fibula
Thunderbird, Inspired by a Sixth century Fibula, one available:
Eagle Fibula
Eagle Fibula, Sixth Century, Walters Museum, Baltimore


 What gets your passion flowing, your curiosity piqued, your senses come alive?

I LOVE the mystery of ancient artifacts, standing stones and cairns, the magnificent creations the ancients left behind. The latest exhibit at the National Art Museum of Scotland reveals a treasure trove of ‘Celtic’ craftsmanship with influences, skill, and materials traced from Ireland and Bulgaria, to India and the Near East. All this beauty ended up in a Danish Bog! No one culture created this, but rather an art movement of intertwined patterns, abstract creatures, gods and goddesses, portrayed rituals and symbols, passed across Europe from the Iron Age to Medieval times. An underground revolt against Roman Power possibly! Fascinating!

Another influence for me is the Sky! From dawn to dusk, the Milky Way to sunrise, it stops me in my tracks, pulls me into mindfulness of the moment, and stays with me until I paint it, sketch it, grab my camera and shoot it. Moon phases, lavender streaks, pink risings, brilliant blue fading to slate, rose shifting to golds, and Clouds! Pale yellow white ephemeral clusters, powerful storm thunderheads, hazy morning sunlight, mist flowing down the driveway, twilight muted tones, like jewels of the atmosphere there only for a moment.

The biggest inspiration hits many senses. It’s the smell of the beach/forest/sea, the flight of ravens through the forest, the shadow of a soaring hawk, the morning symphony of songbirds. Look for your sparkly flashes of insight, your buds of growth, the flowing streams of ideas, the brilliant first crocus/violets/hyacinths of new potentials, because they’re all around you. They are spirits waiting to be seen. Possibilities seeking a human creator….you!

More info about the Celtic Treasure here:


Santa Fe Zen Sky
Santa Fe Zen Sky
Guardian of the Standing Stones, 9"x12" Original Painting,
Guardian of the Standing Stones, 9″x12″ Original Painting,

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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