Art as Healing

Art as Healing

Stormy Sky: Big Sky March storms on the Ridge in Ct.
Stormy Sky: Big Sky March storms on the Ridge in Ct.

I’ve always believed my art was a reflection of my life.

While going through a relationship changing misunderstanding with my cousin, I was drawn to paint our stormy, windy, powerful thunder and lightening, roaring sky happening. It was an upheaval of major proportions to our land and to my inner peaceful heart. By creating this work, filming it, and putting out to the public on YouTube, I was seeking answers to how this started, and especially how it can be resolved. Everything always comes down to a personal level. The only one I can heal is myself.

Sometimes experiences escalate to such a point, and maybe they were always headed there without being clearly seen, that the only thing one can do for themselves, and the other, is to forgive, and set both of us free. You can never go back to some fabricated mutual way of life that each perceived in their mind’s eye. It’s all created in the moment, in the experiences, in the focus of our eyes at one time, in what we ‘think’.

Now is the only time that matters. Best to let the past fairy tales go, and see with some clarity what the present holds for all involved. Stormy Sky was my catharsis. A step towards healing, and revealing to me my part in all this so that I never go down this path again with anyone else. Forgiveness doesn’t have to be a face to face reconciliation, a compromise, if the other does not want it. It’s a personal coming to terms that changes everything. Good medicine.

Combined Photos as inspiration for Stormy Sky
Combined Photos as inspiration for Stormy Sky

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

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