New Moon Tribe

New Moon Tribe

Gathering of Deer

You’re driving, so Who’s along For the Ride?

How do you see the World? Who do you surround yourself with on the journey? This is not a time to diversify the group; this is a time to be with others on your wave length, who meld with your vibration, who can see with your vision. They uplift, encourage, and celebrate your successes. For my Journey to the Dreamtime Gatherings, I seek people who say Yes to new possibilities, who appreciate and are motivated by creativity. I love when there’s excitement in the air, when we all share where we are at this moment in time, and everyone goes a little deeper with their creativity. It’s taking the deep breath and trying something new. And do bring your friends who would Love this!

“In Everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit”. Albert Schweitzer

The most amazing thing happened yesterday. We have seen 2 deer around our feeder, but then someone new showed up. She puffed up her fur and cautiously edged forward. The regular backed off, ran a few feet away, and watched. Gradually more appeared, peacefully sharing the cracked corn. Eventually we had eight deer, a herd, happily sharing common ground. That’s what we are in my studio, a sanctuary, a safe haven, each one’s personal space. Here we share our ideas, talk about what matters most to us, and where we imagine the kind of life we want to live.

How to you come to the party? Are you flexible, open, and accepting? Are you a half full or half empty kind of person? Do you generally trust people or view them with suspicion? Knowing yourself sets the foundation for finding your community. You can accept others differences as long as you both hold to basic destinations.

Connection, Community, Coming Together, Truth, the spark of another like-minded person can ignite your fire like nothing else. Being in your group fills you, validates you, and knows you. This is deep in our DNA. We thrive when we gather, share, laugh, and create together. Gathering around the fire with our stories to tell, empowers us. The Energy multiplies. It’s not so much what we do, as much as it’s that we do. We validate and honor each other in the process. It’s asking ourselves the question, and taking time to listen for an answer. Together, we each find our strengths, work with them, name them, to empower ourselves as we move forward. It’s knowing everything happens for a reason, and all is well in all of creation. Showing up with an open trusting heart, we find ourselves and heal through Art. Each person adds to the good of all. Join us at the New Moon time with Beginners Mind, either online or in my studio, to recharge your fire, get a focus for the coming month, and create the new story of you. Bring your friends who would love creating their lives with us. It all begins in my studio April 14, and Online Registration April 9. We meet at the Second Sat of each month, except for May, when we meet May 19th. Updates soon!

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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