Conscious Compassion in Action

Conscious Compassion in Action

Golden Sunset, Captiva Island, Peace, Love, Beauty

Compassion in Action Makes a Difference, Finding Your Gold

Conscious Compassion in Action changes the World. Everything you choose to do, or NOT do, sends out vast ripples of energy affecting every part of your body and life. Our conscious thoughts, ideas, and intentions, start Source energy churning in many directions.

First and foremost, Source is the home of invisible energy, feelings like love, compassion, and empathy, as well as fear, doubt, and loneliness, all brought to the surface with our musings. Conscious Compassionate Action allows the Universe to expand, multiply, and manifest those ideas as reality. So, what are you thinking? Is your life Golden?

As with everything of value, Actions are required to make a difference. Actions trigger the Universe into shifting gears and keeping the flow moving. As the world of common man unravels, our actions, like taking the leap into the unknown, or committing to a cause for good, strengthens each one of us. We become part of a huge living wave of change that is massive, powerful, and undeniable.

Compassion, like everything else, must be practiced often to become the Masterpiece way of Life. Each of us provides a lighted match that can swiftly ignite into a huge bonfire of difference. We are all learning what needs to be done in the moment, and our actions speak louder than anyone’s words. A donation to a great cause, volunteering, connecting with like voices, voting, speaking up to injustice, and sharing our compassionate heart with each soul we meet, sends out ripples of energy for good, as it feeds our souls. Sharing compassion is a beautiful thing.

‘This above all: To thine own self be true’. Shakespeare

So many opportunities for Compassionate Action start flooding into your life when you intend to make a difference. It’s just a matter of finding the one or more that connect with your Spirit. Always start with love. Here is one amazing group, full of Earth grounded energy to make a difference, that strives to provide clean, potable, water worldwide known as Charity: Water .

It’s time for Compassion in Action for Life, not just for a Day. Where can you make a difference? Dig deep to find the gold, be part of the Wave of change, and nourish your soul as you nourish others. Be the candle to light the path for others on the Journey.

Altar of Intentions, Medicine Bundles
Lady Liberty, our symbol to all our ancestors for freedom, new life, and peace

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