Magic Plant Medicine, Wants Happen

Magic Plant Medicine, Wants Happen

Art Magic Plant Medicine Journal page with plant cuttings, notes, Animal Card image of Cow, Notes of Want and Happens
Working With Plant Medicine…the Inner Journey

  Plant Medicine, Herbs, Flowers: Magic. What I Want, Happens!

For the past month, I wanted to add the Wisdom of Magic Plant Medicine, Herbs, and Flowers to our monthly New Moon Art Journey to the Dreamtime gatherings. Boom! Our newest member is a Herbalist! The Universe is just so cool. Wants Happen! Plant medicine has been used for thousands of years to heal heart, body, and soul. A focus on the energy of nature all around us, one flower, tree, weed, and plant at a time, expands us all in multi-dimensional ways.

As I encouraged the group to find living nature to add to our magic plant medicine bundles, our Herbalist reminded us to always ask permission of the plant before cutting anything. I agreed, adding that when I’d look for evergreen or red willow in the past, I’d ask who wants to be a part of my dream catcher or medicine bundle? One branch or stem would move or signal in some way with color or appearance that it was the one. ‘Asking’ honors the plant and adds to the power, much like a Native American hunter asking the spirit of the animal to come to him, to keep him alive, to empower him with their mixed energies together.

I also told the group of the power of 3. Three is the strongest base of any structure. The triangle, the Triple Goddess (Virgin, Mother, Wise Woman), the Shamrock, and the Trinity, all go back to the earliest days of humanity. The Dragon’s Eye, made of three triangles, was the favorite shape for cutting magical stones, and appeared often in medieval magical books about the Goddess.

In my baser thinking mind, I suggested possibly getting three sprigs of lavender that is growing so abundantly near our walkway. But plants have an essence, a sentient expression all their own. When I took time to commune on an energy level, surprising things happened. I knelt to converse with our lavender, and received a positive ‘take one only’! So I told the group to really listen since I was allowed just one sprig. Our herbalist was given ‘none’. The Evergreen was much more generous with all of us. Our group truly expanded in mindfulness and trust in our intuition this day.

Magic Plant Medicine is whatever we find and want that heals our bodies, mind, and spirit. The Magic comes in as we consecrate each item in our bundle with our deepest intent and dreams. The original Shaman journeys were to seek the healing wisdom of Plant Medicine, shift nature energies in spirit to change reality, and retrieve lost pieces of soul. Add to this the Belief that ‘everything you Want, Happens’. More magic! What we seek, believe, and do widens our world in vast new ways. I first heard this said last week during a Sam Heughan interview. The Star of ‘Outlander’ was asked what comes after the wonderful series ends. He said something like, ‘It seems everything I want, happens. I want to be a Movie Star.” So there we go. Believe in your heart that everything you want, happens, and then want, Intend, and declare for the stars, the moon, and the Universe. Dream BIG always! The World needs you.

Magic Plant Medicine lavender
Our ‘setting boundaries’ lavender
My Magic Plant Medicine Bundle wrapped in colorful fabric and tied with strips of color with lavener, charms, feather, bell from Art Journey to the Dreamtime
My Medicine Bundle

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