Filled With Gratitude

Filled With Gratitude

filled with gratitude
Merry Christmas

Filled With Gratitude- family, old traditions, love

Filled with gratitude, I move into the Holiday Season of dinners, presents, and memories of Christmas past. First of all, my first thoughts on waking are so thankful for a healthy body. At least, I know pretty well when it needs the Vitamin C, nasal rinse, allergy tablet, or a bit more rest. I’ve learned to ‘read’ it. I balance exercise/work with rest and I’m very aware of getting good back support at all times. I feel much better since fasting for 12 hrs a day. If I stop eating at 7 pm, I don’t break my fast until at least 7 am.

Secondly, beauty surrounds me. I am mesmerized by the glorious Full December Cold Moon presiding over the evening landscape. Through the longest nights of the year, stars are diamonds in the deep velvet sky. Furthermore, Christmas Eve gave us an overnight dusting of snow, just enough to cover the forest with magic.

Inside, I loved finding two blooms on my beautiful orchid plant. What a beginning of Winter gift that is! Also, our first perfect artificial tree of all time, came with lights on it! I’m so grateful to not spend a day untangling, replacing and stringing the lights! With so many branches, I used all of our ornaments from years gone by. So I lovingly remember each person who ever gifted me with an ornament over the years. Also, some came from my childhood tree and others from my daughters, so they are especially precious. Good memories fill me of days gone by, as a mistletoe candle fills the air.

Most of all, I’m filled with gratitude for the wonderful people in my life. As the aroma of home baked cookies made by my son-in-law gathers us all in the kitchen, each soul brings their special talent to the table. My son-in-law bakes, and my husband tends the fires, as his Christmas play list sets the mood. I’m especially thankful for my daughter, my best friend, who has shared every high and low in my life. She encourages, listens, questions, and loves me through it all.

In addition, Todd the cable guy went above and beyond the call of duty to get our cable right once and for all. He tracked down wires outside, in the basement, in the attic, through walls, upstairs, downstairs and on the roof! We had mistakes in place since day one! I’m convinced he fixed the entire neighborhood with all his brilliant manipulations. The result is the best picture, the most thorough HD qualities, and the safest wiring system we’ve ever had. Plus, our internet just speeded up, too.

This is the Magical Time of the year, with family, old traditions, and new ones created in love and peace. Here’s wishing all of you a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year. Cheers with all my love. Here are some ways and reasons to practice gratitude to improve your life in every way. Join us for the New Year of Art with the Moon. Every New Moon offers a new focus and art project to keep you connected with Spirit, at Journey to the Dreamtime Mystery School of Art….it’s fun, inspirational, and gets you playing with art again.

filled with gratitude
orchid blooms
filled with gratitude
Snow surprise.

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