Self-Love: Most Important Feeling of All
Self-Love, accepting and loving yourself in all your forms, gives confidence, inner knowing, and direction to all you do. Foremost, Self-Love keeps you from looking outside yourself for answers. In as much as the movies say find someone who ‘completes’ you, it isn’t the true answer. What a burden that puts out into the World! Children, a partner, friends, family are all wonderful additions to one’s life, usually. But in reality, these are perks giving nuance to your basic foundation. Self Love reveals your personal Truth, much as the Sufi’s ‘Jewel’ within. Self Love is the essence of who you really are. You learn more about yourself with these others, but they are not your reason for Being.
Self-Love creates a basic foundation of empowerment, because then I am responsible for my health, happiness, and choices. I explore the foods, vitamins, and exercise that are best for my body. No one can know that but me. The ‘Live Raw’ Book, by Mimi Kirk, is my reference for all body health. She has pages in there that list specific vitamins, and foods to eat for every vital organ in the body. As a result, skin flare-ups get me adding more Vitamins A, C,& E to my diet. Therefore, more oranges, walnuts, and spinach are needed. Another thing is exercise. I know which exercises make me feel energized, flexible, and slim. No coach can prescribe exactly what I need. I try different approaches, but I am the final authority on how my body functions best.
If I practiced Self-Love right after college, I wouldn’t have let myself be used or molded into someone else’s image. You can’t be a peach if you’re really an apple. But these are all learning experiences from those wonderful additions mentioned above. Life offers people and circumstances to find yourself, finally stand on your own two feet, and come from a place of power. Self-Love then becomes the only way to live.
Self-Love brings happiness. Either an act makes your heart sing, or it doesn’t. So this Valentines Day, and every day, the most basic choice in life must be your happiness in all you do. Give your Self a Valentine for your own sake and for everyone in your life. Teach Self-Love by living this way. Show how to live a fulfilled life by Being self fulfilled every day. In conclusion, Self-Love is the Most Important Feeling of all. Therefore, make it your way of life. A life of Self Love leaves no regrets!
Hay House is even teaching a course in Self-Love, the most vital way to live. Explore more ways to find yourself through Moon Stories, Intention Setting, and creating Personal Art in Journey to the Dreamtime, Mystery School of Art. Join us online and work along with us each month.

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