Art Brings You Home to Your Self
Art Brings You Home, and this is a never ending Quest to follow the Love. We must be like explorers, never giving up the journey, because the reward is so great.
When you are Doing Art you Love, you are back to Being Your Truest most Authentic Self.
The World takes us away from our true selves. Plus, when we are stressed, we can’t be creative. Stress constrains us, pulls us down to survival mode, makes us rush and busy ourselves filling every moment. This is the opposite of what you need to create personal, truthful, powerful art. Creativity demands spaciousness, slowness, and thoughtfulness. Sadly, it’s usually the first thing we leave when we need it the most.
Creativity from the soul needs space and time. In addition, inspiration must not be disturbed by bells, dogs, money issues, or have-tos. Your studio must be your sanctuary where you go to fill your heart, listen to the inner voice, play and experiment with many things. Plus, your mind must be clear to receive the whisperings of the Muse. This Sacred Space must be filled with supplies, so you can tune into your intuition whenever possible.
Art brings you home by choice. This is honoring your needs first. You can’t fill others when you are empty. Doing art is a proactive move, done in awareness. Time for Art is a love gift to yourself. Then you received clarity as one art piece leads to another. Your joy in doing is unique, and it’s your Sacred Duty to find your style. It develops as you grow and expand, so the quest is never ending.
Always ask ‘How do I want to feel’? What lights you up? Pursue that color, that pattern, tool, or thing every day, even if only for 1/2 an hour. What makes your heart sing and puts you in Flow? Only you can find that in the Doing of art.
Art must become a great habit. Then you will turn to art consciously for balance and happiness. This mindful act returns you to inner peace, passion, and inspiration. Inspiration feeds creativity, and your soul. All the rewards of Doing It!
So I’m creating a Foundation course to jump start our journey together. What would you like to do in this class? Add your comment below. Find your way back to the basics, to confidently move forward. Start with what you Love. I’ve done this, had to find myself, my authentic voice in art again, at least twice in my life. I understand the doubt and effort needed to make it happen. Let me guide you there. Sign up here to get on the wait list. Then you’ll be the first to know class updates. Coming soon!

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