Attitude of Gratitude, Everything is what you think it is
Attitude of Gratitude, the act of being thankful for whatever comes your way, serves you well. Accepting all parts of yourself, brings balance. This is life. Events just happen, others do their thing, and how you ‘relate’ to these occurrences creates your personal ‘bliss’ or stress.
I’m grateful to be able to live a creative life. I love doing and teaching art. Plus, the doing is my personal visual signature. I can come from a place deep inside and allow inspiration to guide my hand. Moreover, I have no idea where it will take me. It’s letting the art have a life of its own.
In comparison, teaching involves offering classes, techniques, and insights about topics people really want. This is tricky. Some will say ‘people don’t know what they want’. Well, that doesn’t solve the problem. Also, it may be an issue of time, supplies, or confidence in their ability. So I’m thankful I have people in Dragonfly Art Club to tell me their thoughts.
Attitude of Gratitude serves me well, uplifts and inspires me in Nature. For example, I’m filled with awe at the phases of the Moon, and the passage of the stars. The gorgeous changing seasons highlight the black ravens flying through the golden fall leaves. I see beauty everywhere.
In addition, meeting with good people fills my soul. My daughter visiting even briefly, is quality time. Then, I feel gathering for a dinner with friends is gold. Plus, quiet time over the fire pit with my husband is priceless. It all depends on your view of life. Your relationship to your thoughts, combined with gratitude, changes everything.
How will you view this one, wild, precious life today….in gratitude or conflict? The choice is yours.
Join us at Dragonfly Art Club to play, share, and grow in your art.

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