3 Ways to Connect with Your Inner Artist

3 Ways to Connect with Your Inner Artist

3 ways to connect with your inner artist
Storyteller, touching inspiration & imagination

3 Ways to Connect with Your Inner Artist, Your True Self

3 ways to connect with your inner artist begins with knowing ‘they’ are not ‘you’. Your inner artist is like the essence deep within you that feels fun, light, and ageless. ‘They’ are not of Time and Space. So acknowledging them as ‘The Other’ will change everything for you.

First of all, give them a name. What would this creative spirit want to be called? Would they be a form of your worldly thinking self, but possibly more fascinating? They really are not of this world of doubts, worries, guilts, and labels. ‘They’ live in the land of the Unseen, the Invisible place of feelings, imagination, and beauty.

So never refer to this otherworldly artistic essence as ‘I’. Instead, take a step away, and imagine this enchanted creature becoming so happy to play again. Always say, ‘what would You like to make today?’ Enter the studio and announce that ‘We are going to just play today!’

Secondly, know your inner artist is totally bored to reproduce someone else’s art, or the safe art that you always do. That’s art from the surface. It’s been done already! Inner Artist wants to try something new, be authentic, and go deeper. That’s where their excitement and passion lie. Plus, your art then holds a Power that draws people in. It’s art that has never been seen before. It has it’s own story to tell.

Without the new to stimulate them, Inner Artist drifts farther away. Eventually your essence and energy completely disappear from your worldly body. Body, health, and energy thrives on the spirit of amazement, awe, and discovery. Creativity is food for the heart and soul.

A third way to connect with your inner artist is to seek the hidden secrets within You. Your Truth lies in the Unknown. Follow your feelings to get to that enchanted place. There bliss lives, surprises flourish, and the unexpected shines.

Especially, don’t tie your art to the approval of others. When you seek someone else’s recognition, or worse yet, create to sell items you ‘think’ people will by, it is selling away your soul. You art totally loses its power. There is no energy in it or you. And people feel that!

So take this approach in your own art. Talk to your inner self, the forever young one who wants to play again. Experience your true person who lives outside of Time and Space. Tap into your feelings to find your creative self, your inner voice. Be inspired monthly with the coming Dragonfly Art Program. Here we learn the stories of Guest Artists, are guided by videos of Art Elements and techniques, expand our horizons with new Resources, and Enter the Mystery with projects to create truly original art. Starting soon, sign up to get the latest information.

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