Practicing Tough Love

Practicing Tough Love

practicing tough love
Sensual Essence of Flowers from Dragonfly Monthly Program

Practicing Tough Love is Being True to your Self…no excuses

Practicing tough love is stepping away from distractions, relationships, and drama that hold you back. From 20 second fast dancing blips to world catastrophes, they keep coming at us at a furious pace.

Tough love is loving yourself unconditionally and coming home to art. Don’t get stuck in the overwhelm of the world. You can’t do anything about it but get sad, frustrated, or angry. And that is the most powerless place to be.

Practicing tough love begins with moving to the art studio and away from the iphone. This takes courage. Social media seduction is hypnotic. Take back your day, your time, your creative life, and make something that involves all your senses.

Secondly, come into mindfulness of your world and where you are on your path. Many are sharing their way of creating, their style, and you might want to do it all. Practice discernment. Stay true and focused on making art meaningful to you. Trust yourself and develop a deep knowing of what’s right for you.

When I follow their way, I never like what I’ve made. It’s not me. I have to pause and reflect on how I can interpret their inspiration in my way of doing art. What does this learning do for me?

Thirdly, tough love, self love, is letting go of toxic relationships, guilt, and blame. Anything that keeps me from being my best self, from loving myself, takes me off my path. The past is for learning, distilling the wisdom, and then letting go. Walking away changes the energy. Possibly a new, better relationship will emerge that honors me, my passion, my art, and my thoughts. Maybe not. But I will have stayed true to myself and kept to my Artist’s Journey.

Fourthly, do art you love each day, even in some small way. Take a breath. Set aside creative time and space for your inner life to flourish. Don’t push to complete anything until you’re ready, but do something. Be in consciousness, not busyness. Give yourself time to assimilate all the good things that work for you. Always choose what Feels good. Your happiness is the best gift you can give the world. Create something from your heart.

It’s time to treat yourself as the most beloved creature in your life. Make a choice to love yourself unconditionally. Without judgement or critique, ask yourself, “Why am I not making time for me, and for my art?”

Clear your mind. Declare your clarity of direction and bring in conscious choices in all you do. Intend to be true to your best self with every precious day. Paint, create, make, write, play, and take the Artist’s Journey. You’ll love your self and your art, which makes for a memorable, happy life. Join us at Dragonfly Art Program to keep to Your Path. Get inspired, make art, and stay in touch.

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