How to Get Unstuck

How to Get Unstuck

how to get unstuck
Magic Mountain, Signed, made on FB Live, finished the next day

Make a decision & Make Art

How to get unstuck, in any situation in these uncertain times, is a 2 step process: 1) make a decision, and 2) take action. Simply do it. Do the scary thing. Every creative person has been there. Strangely, the only way forward is to make more art.

We are navigating in unknown waters. A global virus and economic uncertainty can leave us empty and drifting. The fear is real and stops us cold.

I get it. I’ve felt it.

But, Art keeps me on the path as I move through the fear.

All we can do is be the best we can be, with what we have Today.

What keeps you from doing Art? I’ve heard: I can’t afford supplies. I never know what to make. What’s the point? If I can’t sell it, why make it? No body will like it. I’m not good at this. People will laugh at it. I need to clean my art space. Also, I used to be good at this, but I’ve lost it. And then there’s: I have no inspiration, no energy, no motivation. I know.

As a result, our Stories keep us thinking in circles, and don’t solve the problem.

The strange thing is that once you begin creating, painting, drawing, all these excuses fall away. Doing art puts you into a different mindset.

I’ve heard this called ‘The Secret’. Inspiration only flows in when you’re doing art. You can’t think your way through art. Plus, you Need art, the inner guidance, for balance, health, and well being.

How to get unstuck begins with the decision to just make art. The way to feel artistically inspired and excited again, starts by accepting that creativity comes in ebb and flow. Some days are more filled with passion than others. But keep creating anyway.

How to get unstuck brings you into the Present Moment. The past is old and the future is unknowable, so come home to art to be in the Now. Let the act of creating move you forward.

When you make art, your mindset moves into awareness of lines, shapes, and colors. Make the first marks. Inspiration kicks in with the space and time to imagine something new, once you’ve ‘begun the process’. Start somewhere. It can and may be covered up anyway. The body remembers past experiences and the work develops a direction all its own.

The greatest part is that you discover your Self as you find your path. Validity comes from within with each piece you do. You see what holds you back and explore ways to move past that. The more art you do, the more you trust your inner decisions. Confidence builds in every aspect of life.

So allow yourself to Flow, grow, and be the artist of your dreams during these uncertain times. Use your time well, make memories of your visual journey, and feel happy in your inner creative world. Life is but a dream.

Dragonfly Art and Mentorship Program is here to encourage and inspire you weekly on the path. Get your free Guide to 8 Strong Art Composition styles today. The doors open Monday, July 20, 2020.

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