How to Shine Your Light Today

How to Shine Your Light Today

how to shine your light today
Eyes of Love, another Jamie, Outlander, each face gets more accurate as the painting process just Flows!

How best to shine your light today? There are so many distractions that require lots of work with little return, how do you choose where to put your precious energy in this moment of time?

I start by asking how does this feel? Is this old energy, with many trudging forward following in each other’s footsteps, believing this the next thing ‘to do’? Or does it feel light, easy, and surprising? Is this something I would never have ‘thought’ of before?

How you fill your days becomes your Life.

Breathe in good feelings, memories, and magic for balance every day.

Thinking things out is so old energy. It weighs you down. Old ways make you create art for a purpose like selling or competing, instead of coming from a place of intuition and creating from your soul.

Soul art moves you, holds meaning, and takes you on the road less traveled. It’s a scary path since you’re blazing new ground, entering the Unknown, and pretty much on your own. This takes such deep Trust in yourself to even attempt. Many can’t handle it. Yet this is your best way to truly Shine your Light, create original art, and follow the path to ‘Becoming’ someone new.

Today, as I thought about finding online groups of thousands of members to sell my art (very old stuff), my phone rang. It was a lovely woman representing a graphic arts firm, asking about using one of my images of the local Litchfield Hills on a brochure. How wonderful! She found me. Oh, and of course, I’d be compensated, she said.

Here it is! The surprise I never would have thought of. My art discovered for a graphic about the Litchfield Hills. We agreed on a fair price, and it was all done without extra ‘distracting’ work on my part, or compromising my art in any way. This is Magic at its finest!

She discovered my art online. How can I keep creating my meaningful art and yet share with the world? My art has been on two book covers in the past, that’s something I should reapply in my life. Try new things and more doors will open.

So how can you move forward today to Shine Your Light? What Magic can you do to open new doors? Join me on the journey to discover the Power of Art. Follow Pat Gullett Designs for new art, intuition, and insights to the process of entering the Unknown, where true magic lies.

When do you feel most like yourself? Let’s compare notes in the comments below.

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