The Search For Answers

The Search For Answers

The Search for answers

The search for answers, or for titles for paintings, often takes us looking out ‘there’ for answers. It’s the first place I go. I check what messages have magically been sent my way for direction.

Then I discover, Edward Vilga, a guy so full of interesting things to say, talking about getting ‘signs from the universe’! I guess we all do it.

He gets iphone cards from oracle decks. First he seeks an animal deck, then a Tarot, and ends with an I Ching deck of online cards. They all had some sort of ‘cat’: a black cat, a tiger, and one more. Furthermore, he was also wearing a new tee with a tiger on it!

I’m not sure how he interpreted his ‘cats’ concerning a message from his much loved recently departed dog, but it sounds interesting. I’ll give that some thought.

Then I find in my inbox, Danielle LaPorte, wise woman that she is, encouraging us to release our grip on finding answers so that Wisdom can pour through. Apparently as we look to psychics & seers, or signs, and synchronicity to be our compass, we forget to look within ourselves where all our answers lie.

But, I have to say, I believe ‘signs’ Are my personal Inner Guidance. They come from me, from my interpretation and choice. Therefore, they are nothing to fear, doubt, or avoid.

I wish I could take a walk in Nature to ponder my inner most thoughts, but all is ice and it’s snowing again. Meditating would help, but often I’m filled with colors, which helps to start the next painting.

But, I’ve found even just resting the mind for a bit, helps. I’ll read a novel or inspirational writer. Sometimes, I’ll just let color guide me in some new piece of art. I find answers come when I just let the problem go. I allow myself to be open to flow.

The Search for Answers reveals itself in its own good time: TRUTH

Owl Trinity, the title, came to me after some days. I had dreamt of owls in a healing journey dream. Then I actually saw one perched on the corner of a building at 1:00 in the afternoon! A sign, when I wasn’t pushing for an answer at all.

I painted the first large Spirit Owl, then I knew there had to be one listening within. The third just evolved into flying free. As I looked to healing, the colors all lightened up a lot. It’s as though each part had it’s own good time to evolve and just Be. I needed patience to complete it all.

Where do you look for answers? Do you trust your inner self to reveal your truths? Find some signs at along with art inspiration. Thanks for being here! Let me know what you think.

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