Pause, Reset, Equinox

Pause, Reset, Equinox

pause reset equinox
Moon Watcher, Rabbit of the Equinox, Guardian of the Realm

Pause, Reset, Equinox: Entering New Realms. Create the Life You want to Live.

I’ve always seen this time of the year, the spring midpoint between Winter and Summer Solstice, as a great opportunity to begin fresh. As the great Sun pauses on the Equator in its journey back north, these days seem frozen in time. I feel suspended in days of reflection.

Rabbit has always represented the Balance between the worlds. She has consistently been my power animal of the Equinox. She knows the inner realms, and exists in the outer ones. As above, so below. Rabbit listens closely, intuits feelings, and acts accordingly. She’s grounded in every way. The winds whisper the coming of Spring for her, as well as the arrival of fox.

Pause, reset, equinox is a time of finding Balance.

I reset myself, my thoughts, and my direction, first thing in the morning, as the Sun brilliantly shines straight across the ridge. First, I’ll usually do some inspired, uplifting reading. Then, I often write or draw my feelings, thoughts, and the look of the day in my journal. These trigger my inner imagination, opening the doors for inspiration to flow in. I ask questions, and write whatever answers flow in.

Secondly, I’ve discovered lately as Mark Twain said, most of my fears and worries never happen. The mind creates the worst scenario and things usually end up far better then they seem. Face the fears, make decisions, and follow the truth, no matter how scary it may seem. I call on my fearless Dragon to help me get through.

Thirdly, I make an emotional, intuitive painting once a week. I don’t know where it’s going. Possibly there’s a vague thought of green grey mountains, or I may just be trying new colors in Oil Pastel Grand Size, which are nothing like their original small versions. The latest one evoked a comment of being like a black light painting from college. I never know what it will be, but it’s full of emotion in the moment!

Finally, I draw and paint something that takes skill, to get me back to the roots of drawing. These lately have been owls, rabbits, or coming soon, raccoons. Portraits and faces also fall into this category. It makes me pause, gather my skills, and make mindful marks. I’ve been also using both my left and right hands with all these resets. What takes you back to your roots? How did you enter your private realm while growing Up? Become that child again and play!

All these actions help trigger the unknown, where the magic lies. Nature also helps reset the world, especially at this time of the year. I engage all my senses. The trees throw shadows twice as long as themselves across the forest floor. Cool morning air smells fresh as new sweetgrass. The forest comes alive with songbirds, cardinals, doves, and chickadees busily gathering twigs and racing back to their nest building in the trees. I play instrumental, uplifting music which has been shown to trigger creative thinking. Step away from the propaganda/opinions of the news and listen for the inner voice.

You don’t have to disappear to a mountain retreat to enter new realms. Your choices direct your focus, attention, and energy. So how will you use this magical time to Reset your life? Can you step away from the noise and follow an inner path that is Your Personal New Realm? Will Nature, art, or writing be your guide? Let’s grow our souls and new lives together.

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