Living From Intuition

Living From Intuition

living from intuition
Totems, intuition painting, never know what you’ll get, full of hidden meanings from the subconscious….Magic! What do you See?

Living from Intuition creates Magic! Before Covid, most of our lives were filled with schedules, deadlines, and time frames to fit all the ‘have to’s’ in. There wasn’t time to experience, to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us, or to allow feelings to guide us to the next best thing. However, we’ve been given a great opportunity these days. Let’s allow our hearts to see the miracles in our path.

Living from intuition means listening to our inner voice. Plus, one must step away from Busy! Mindfulness gives amazing new ideas and possibilities if we take time to pause and stare.

The French have a wonderful word and concept called ‘flaneur’. This is a person who goes for walks through life without any special purpose.

I did this when I traveled. I’d set a destination, like the best chocolate shop in Paris, once there, I’d slowly wander. Time to open all the senses and just experience life.

While seeking the Musee des Arts & Metiers in Paris, I entered an amazing Jules Verne copper Metro station! Later, in the museum, the actual Foucault Pendulum swayed for infinity in tune with Earth’s rotation! Next, discoveries and miracles revealed themselves at every turn.

Living from intuition also means trusting yourself.

Especially draw from intuition in creative art. The above painting is a purely intuitive one. I start by clearing my mind and just making marks with an Ebony pencil. The right colors draw me to them. Pause along the way, and see and listen to what the painting has to say. Allow one thing to lead to another. I had no idea spirit animals would appear.

Whatever media has the color I’m feeling, is what I use. So, many of these become mixed media works of art. Intuition tells you if you need pencils, oil pastel, or acrylic paint.

Intuition is exploring without expectation. One photographer just wandered New York, seeking beauty wherever it appeared.

Try it yourself. Have no agenda, and even try not to go ‘somewhere’. Have no purpose except to experience the visions, scents, sounds, and feelings of life all around you. Seek out the miracles of life and they will appear.

Become like the birds in tune with Nature. A wildflower to them is an oasis, a habitat, a food source, integral to their life. They have evolved together. Connect to the beauty around you. Consciously create your personal paradise of harmony as a part of evolving life.

Join me at for updates, new art, and inspiration.

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