The Deep Knowing Of the Soul

The Deep Knowing Of the Soul

Beauty: Fox, white magic of the twilight forest, she appears with knowing, love, and mystery

The deep knowing of the soul comes with listening in quiet times. Always start anything with the things you ‘know’. These are solid beginnings that lead to the next step.

I knew for some days that I wanted to paint a beautiful, lovely white fox. In addition, some years ago, there was a gorgeous picture of a wonderful white vixen. I couldn’t find it now in the vast sea of information on the web, so I had to depend upon my memory to guide me.

So She, Beauty, came together quickly. The background was another issue. I tried lighter tones to begin, but they didn’t do her justice. She needed depth, movement, and contrast.

My latest spirit animals all seem to have this circular portal behind them, since they live in the inner and outer worlds. They are actual creatures on this earth, but also the much greater Archtype of their species. Beauty is all the mystery, cleverness, and wildness of every fox that ever lived.

The Deep Knowing of the Soul requires an even deeper Trust in your Self.

You must get ‘in sync’ with the inner feeling of what to do next. This is life. Plus, recognizing what is best for you isn’t always clear, but we must begin somewhere to get the energy moving.

So begin with the deep Knowing for anything you do. Measure this by does it make you happy? What feelings does it bring up? Always head for the filled with joy feeling.

After the knowing, comes the choices. Make a decision! Doing the background is like trying different choices that life sends your way. It’s just a choice. See how it works, and then make another choice. Choices keep you from getting stuck.

Like the fox painting, I spent some time with the background. I tried different textures, colors, shapes, and symbols. What enriched her image? Just like what would enrich your direction in life?

Often you have to keep trying new ideas as they appear to you, until it all feels right. This is the ‘inner work time’, when we listen deeply, experience actions to see how it feels, and then experiment with life, art, and all it’s possibilities.

Input from others often doesn’t work. They have their way, their style, their approach based on their life experiences. This life for You Today, is time to discover Your Way, your love, and your original mark, in all you do.

So grow your deep knowing and live a life with meaning. Also, Follow your heart in all things. Ask how each thing ‘feels’ inside. Keep a journal and record the answers. The power of life is Now, this Moment. Don’t miss a day of it.

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