Being a Human Super Hero

Being a Human Super Hero

KwanYinTextCrop 2_edited-1Everyone is Doing the Best they Can

As you come against challenging experiences and people, the key is to not lose your perspective or emotions in defending yourself, a loved one, or your boundaries. When hard emotions are triggered, hold your own, but also hold respect for the Other. You don’t agree, but we are all in this hard magnificent game together.

By generating anger towards another, you create more anger. You no longer ‘Bring in the Light’ , which is a great goal in every endeavor. Most of all, you get stuck. No longer in the Flow, no longer in direct communication with your inner guide, life gets heavy and you attract more of the dark side.

Lighten up and ‘feel your humanity” as Elizabeth Gilbert says it. Forgive your dark side, love it, and shift it to your Heart Place. It’s not healthy to ignore it, feed it, or throw it at others. Claim it as your own human side, accept it, integrate it, and transform it for good. Journal it, paint it, write it, dance it, scream it, manifest it to get it out of you until you create a shift. It’s all a part of the play. We are all making it up as we go along!

“All that we see or seem, is but a Dream within a Dream”.  E.A.Poe

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