Focus Creates Life!

Focus Creates Life!


Focus, Attention, & Desire Moves Energy

It all starts at the deepest, invisible, secret Quantum Level, and shimmers, edges, and trickles up through the electro-magnetic field of everything to Manifest Magic! Setting your attention and intention moves energy on a psychic level, then working on creating an art piece about it gathers the powers of visualization multiplied by a million. There’s something about doing this work, doing Art in this way, that makes things happen.

I created this Map of energy, hopes, and dreams emanating from Connecticut, my home, my studio, out to the world of like-minded beautiful Artists. I sought partners, a spiritually minded, hearts desire community of people who see life as I do. In a matter of days, a link in an email opened all those worldly gates to really unlimited possibilities. Focus changes everything. Anything is possible.

Always start with what you know, then let intuition guide you to add new images, text, stamps, or writing. Stand back & feel it. You’ll know if you’re on the right track. One image leads to the next. It’s your Inner Guide, Your Creator Self, lighting the way, opening doors, and working on your behalf with the Universe.

Here’s a little book I’ve recently come across that is changing lives!! Check it out and Recharge your Life!




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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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