Create True Magic

Create True Magic

create true magic
Bear Magic, Midsummers Night Dream, starry skies, new moon, magical rabbits, spirit, balance,healing

Create True Magic every day. 3 ways to open to the mystery are to Believe, Dream, and Explore. Life becomes what you think it is, that’s why we each have our own reality. Also, if you Believe in the unknown, seek the unexpected, and allow for serendipity, new possibilities will flow in throughout the day. Gift yourself with a day without an agenda.

First of all, you must Believe in the mystery. Somehow there are forces that bring experiences and things into our lives that we could never have planned. In Addition, those often become the turning points in a life, if you let them.

The Key here is to live life consciously. Admit that you’re not in complete control of every part of the day, and step away from habits. Above all, expect miracles to happen and they will. Follow your heart and body. Ask yourself, what do I need right now in this moment of time that would fill me?

When you drink your coffee or tea, sit somewhere in beauty, close to nature. Instead of reading notifications, tune into the sights around you. Dress in your favorite clothes that make you feel good. Be aware of all your body needs for comfort, sounds, scents, and beauty. Make choices to improve every moment of life throughout the day.

Secondly, it’s so important to Dream more each day. Daydreams can fill you with the same brain waves as the actual experience! Therefore, the body relaxes into the full sensory experience. Trigger your memories, and immerse yourself in visualizing your favorite relaxing vacation. Play the music of the place, light candles of juniper/sea/forest, and see yourself there feeling the earth, walking the path, dancing the dance, and breathing deeply of all it’s beauty.

Tune in and Bliss out with the true sounds of owls, birds, waterfalls, wolves and other sounds of nature. Plus, listening to the natural sounds creates a magical practice that affects mood, performance, and health. These recordings were made at various National Parks around the country and give you a choice from frogs to caribou stampeding as you stay safe at home. I love the waves on the shore! You can upload or play from

Create True Magic as you Explore new paths.

Remember your feelings as a kid (or adult) when you first entered an amusement park, tried a new playground, first rode a bike, felt the spray on your face on a boat ride, or even experienced your first plane ride! Live as though each moment is a new day on a vacation in an wonderland of adventure.

See with fresh eyes. Life keeps changing moment to moment. You aren’t the same person you used to be. Plus, create true magic and touch your core. Furthermore, Know the truth that you are an angel having an earthly experience. Open to discovering new parts of yourself on this journey of life. Create something new to remember this day in your life. Therefore, be the Master Creator of your own life, and consciously fill it with Magic to create a memorable life worth living.

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