Awaken Your Spirit Animal Connections

Awaken Your Spirit Animal Connections

Panda Moon, rebirth, resilience, tranquil strength, spirit, power, gentle determination, personal boundaries, personal time

Awaken your Spirit Animal connections to balance and nurture yourself. Spirit animals come to us unexpectedly in emails, snail mail, notifications, the news, and on calendars, as well as in person. I was seeing pandas everywhere! Plus, I was physically surrounded by butterflies! But of all the messengers, the Monarch was the biggest, brightest surprise. She landed next to my chair and stayed until I knew I could sketch her.

Often, this is how I start a painting. What has been brought into my life lately? I feel these are messengers from the soul. So I gathered all panda images I could find, drew this sweet face and let the painting take over. Intuition guides me as I stop thinking and just immerse myself in creating.

Once the painting is completed, I journal my thoughts about it. I write my feelings about pandas & butterflies, and what they mean to me. The truest answers come from inside us. The writing takes on a life of its own. Only later do I seek other sources about the spiritual meaning behind each animal. Furthermore, my discoveries are often surprising and give me a whole new outlook on my situation.

Panda moves gently, rolls with the landscape, and seems to make all life play and pleasure. She gets anxious with too much noise and activity, seeking quiet solitude throughout the day. But like every bear, she is determined to accomplish whatever she sets out to do. Climbing trees, getting food, sliding down the hill, each turns into a personal game of strength, skill, and power. She is a gentle giant, moving slowly most of the time, strong yet calm, and does all things with purpose. Therefore, masculine strength and feminine sweetness are in balance.

Butterflies, on the other hand, are intricately aware of every feeling in their body with delicate senses of taste, smell, and touch. They taste with their feet and live on an all liquid diet. Each stage of their lives is an act of creation.

In the chrysalis, she patiently lets her body and wings develop until their time is complete. When she does break free, she must pump fluid through the body to expand her wings. Then, she takes some hours in the sun to dry her body and wings before she can fly. Patience, timing, sensing, and evolving are all facts of life.

Awaken to your spirit animal connections to find direction.

Pandas teach us that gentle determination balances rest time with activity. Listening to the body, making time to nurture your Self, and setting personal boundaries are necessary for life, health, and happiness. In addition, Butterflies remind us of cycles, growth, rebirth, and stamina. Awareness and living consciously are vital to thriving. That’s quite a message for us.

So our spirit animals show us that personal transformation, growth, and expansion come with staying the course. They remind us to move with calm determination, flexibility, and a lightness of Being, in the direction of our dreams. Life is changing and so are we.

What spirit animals have crossed your path lately? Remember them, jot it down in a notebook, especially be aware of your dreams. Also, nothing is a coincidence. You have seen them for a reason.

Sometimes my husband will see the fox or rabbit that I miss. It’s for him to discover this time. Next, surround yourself with photos of them, draw them, keep feathers/colors/books about them near you to recall the memory. There’s a message for you there and it pertains to your life today.

Later, once you have a good feel for them, write about them. Research their meanings to you personally, then seek the beliefs that have come to us through the ancestors. People have connected with their spirit animals for thousands of years, and you can too.

Allow spirit animals to become your teachers of life. They expand your awareness and connect you to the nature all around you. More at

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