The Best Way to an Amazing Life

The Best Way to an Amazing Life

The Best Way to an Amazing Life
Light Passage, moving through the unknown, testing the waters, connecting with family, then the world

The Best Way to an Amazing Life is to stay curious, and explore something new every day. People who read, write, and investigate their world as a daily habit, have more happiness and success in all they do. They are interested in life and therefore become more interesting people overall.

A number of my paintings lately have this light arch down a path, stream, or forest. The place leading up to this bright goal is my exploratory land of paint on, wipe off, spray with water, and see what images are invoked. I never know where I’m going to end up with in this approach, but it’s always teaching me something new that I had never created before. This is the incubation place. New art, techniques, and textures appear here. Art enables me to Create True Magic every day.

Plus, I have to have tons of patience with myself at this part of the painting. I’ll rub things out and come back to them tomorrow with fresh eyes. I have to be brave here, and trust my intuition in all things. Images often appear, like a hidden bear, bird, or face, that are completely unintentional.

But we can find this place of discovery in anything we choose to do. Explore a new location, take a walk on a wooded path leading to a lake, or just drive down roads away from the city and see what’s there.

The Best Way to an Amazing Life can be found at home.

Reading an interesting novel, seeing a movie set in a past period of time, or learning that a famous Dutch painting has a secret 2nd painting on it that has been painted over, can open so many doors to new experiences. Just as in making art, the more curiosity you have about a place, an author, or a certain time period, the more fascinating life becomes. Often the more you know, the more you want to know.

This very human trait has led humanity to create tools, colors, art, and their mark on the world. Plus, if you are curious with a partner, these explorations bond your love even deeper. Sharing your passion with another is a priceless gift.

But these traits have to be nourished. Learn something from a master, where you can connect, ask questions, and share your final piece. Life shifts from being a flat same old thing, into living 3-D prismacolor. Furthermore, you become more connected to a trip, book, or person by the energy you give it. Create a collage about it, write about it, share your story with others to enrich the experience tenfold.

First of all, ask questions and discover answers. In addition, the deeper you go to investigate something, the more you’ll remember it. It makes an inroad into your psyche so choose wisely. You may find yourself dreaming about them!

“I don’t know anything, but I do know that everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough.” physicist Richard Feynman

Only by living in Curiosity, will you live a full, rewarding life. Play more, explore more, and discover your true self along the way. More at

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