Sample from the Winter Solstice Project

Sample from the Winter Solstice Project

heartOpeningTEXTOpening to your Heart’s Desire

Every day is a chance to deepen your happiness, ask for what you want, and walk away from the past. I’d say never do another thing you ‘hate’ to do. This is a day in your life, so don’t let it slip away. Make the choices that count for you. Let others make their own choices, path, discoveries. You do it for YOU!

I remember my Mom saying at my Dad’s funeral luncheon, loud enough for me to hear, that Pat thinks I like to cook, but I hate it. Stop the presses! Hold Everything! This is a lightening bolt from the heavens! A precious gift from the gods. If ever those words come out of your mouth, you have an obligation to stop doing, thinking, or experiencing that act. Your entire, whole purpose for being here is to experience all love, happiness, and good that life has to offer. Any lower vibrational feelings are a gift to show you what not to do, what to walk away from, and where to make a shift! Ignoring these things will always, in the end, impact your body until you can not do them anymore. Then You’ll have to be still to look at yourself, your life, and make a change. Don’t wait for that to happen! I told my Mom to never cook again. Dance more (she loved to dance!) even if it’s by yourself. Honestly & truly, my grown, divorced, living back at home brothers would find a way to eat!

Today, promise yourself to open up more, to trust more, to be MORE of your true inner spirit in this day to day waking self! Reveal your heart, honor your feelings, expand your horizons, be grateful for all you’ve given yourself up to this day and open for MORE! You deserve it. It’s the WHY you are here!

Find out more about the class here:

“OPEN WIDE TO WHAT YOU WANT”……Danielle Laporte


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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

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