New Moon, New Beginnings

New Moon, New Beginnings

new moon new beginnings
New Moon, New Beginnings, Rabbit

New Moon, New Beginnings can be eased into gently with 3 Basic Steps. First, make room for the new. Physically throw out all that no longer serves you. Whether it’s old shoes, troublesome printers that never really worked right, or copies and plans for a future that is no longer you. I did all of the above. Lightening the load! So many things have shifted over the past 2 years that it really wasn’t a hard call once I set my mind in the cleansing direction.

Secondly, connect in some way to honor the child within you. That little person you were, approached life in their truest form. I always read, made art, and wrote stories in my own world. I entertained myself for hours with puzzle books, drawing and coloring in my sketchbook, and making up stories about my adventures around the house. Ask yourself what your inner child would love to do today. Without the world out there, your inner world is all that you dream it to be.

Another connection to consider is the enriching love of an added pet to your life for companionship, play, and adventures.

We were so lucky to have had a rabbit, Bunskers, aka Cinnamon, for 10 years. She was our first leap in the morning, our play break in the afternoon, and our good night gentle stroke. Each creature has a it’s own full personality, who loves to be part of you, who seeks companionship as much as you do, and who loves unconditionally.

Plus, especially during winter months, remember the birds or whatever animals live around your home. Our ravens and blue jays welcome us each morning as we leave leftovers on the ‘Offering Stone’. The larger ones really love the past due, defrosted, raw turkey burgers. It’s a delicacy, along with the moldy cheese, or old bread.

I’d buy ‘raven’ bread, just the cheapest loaf I could find, to give them all something when the ground is frozen with snow and ice. The smaller birds clean up the crumbs. But everything we put out there disappears. Also, it puts on a great show as I watch from a distant window.

Thirdly, remember what Mary Oliver calls the Third Self. I love her thoughts and poetry about nature, but this one is especially true for the creator within each of us. Besides the ‘worker’, who does their job habitually, which is all well and good in the world, and the second ‘child self’ which is a part of us forever, there’s a Third Being that will thrive if we give them attention every day.

The Third yearns for a listening time. They love a personal sanctuary where they can experiment, explore, and discover new parts of themself, away from distraction. But more than the phone ringing or package delivery, are the little inner ones that are the worst. Like ‘shoulds’. I should answer my cousin’s email, that I should make a doctor’s appointment, or that I should gather the garbage. It’s that monkey mind that want’s attention, when the creator self needs unbroken solitude to nourish mind, body, and soul. These interruptions kill off ideas and creative flow as quickly as a dream dissolves into nothingness.

The creator loves flow, no time, and the non-ordinary world. It feeds on surprises, beauty, and making something never before seen in life. This is the inner landscape of eternity, inspiration, and the unknown. We enter with uncertainty to discover some golden part of our hidden self. This place requires curiosity as we listen to what it wants from us. The inner voice must be given time to speak. It is raw, new, and always ‘out there’, beyond what mere words can explain. This is the Mystery, filled with other powers, energy, and forces, that bring new adventures of the extraordinary kind.

Van Gogh once said that inspired mistakes move us forward.

New Moon New Beginnings is all that and more.

Let’s each make a vow to give our third self a chance to be part of daily life. Like the loving dog, we must be loyal to our calling, give it space to breathe and grow, and open the doors to perception and creation each day. We must trust our inner self to share the other life of spirit that lives beyond the ordinary. In addition, there is no guilt that the dinner didn’t get made, or that the appointment was not met. This is the other world of the Creative Spirit, the no time of the creative power, the inner part of our heart that feeds our soul. Here is where we move forward into the unknown, and let the rest of the world run its own pace.

Therefore, let this be the time of New Beginnings for each of us. Don’t give energy to the things that used to be. The past is gone, so let it go in peace. Look to today and to your future life as you fill it with fresh eyes and new experiences.

I challenge each of you to fire up your imagination and take yourself to new heights. What snaps you out of the mass consciousness of hypnotized followers and shifts you into an innovator, a seeker of wonder and light? How can you make a difference in all you do each day to truly come alive to all that you possibly can be?

I’ve read that watching an artist paint is as uplifting as painting yourself. Here’s some uplifting art videos to carry you to a higher plane.

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