Easing Into New Life

Easing Into New Life

easing into new life
Healing Waters, easing into New Life, Rebirth

Easing into New Life is like wading into unknown waters. Go slowly, be aware of everything above and beneath the surface, and listen to your feelings. Do only those things that feel good, interesting, and fun.

In the North, all the land is locked into cold and ice. The sun is pale, and without warmth as yet. The flowering bushes are curled tight against the wind, as are the buds, tucked in at the ends of hearty branches.

Life is still happening on an inner, deep level. Gathering energy, protecting seedlings, and nourishing within the dark roots, this is a time to germinate the delicate dreams of the future. New life can’t be rushed. Continue to let go of old things of the past, making way for the brilliant future that holds the promise of exciting potentials, change, and growth.

Trust the process of rebirth into fresh energy, passion, and vibrant life. So, this isn’t a time to push the car up the mountain! Allow the new to unfold and reveal itself to you when it’s ready. Just hold onto the precious devotion that you are ready for a change, ready to heal, and accept whatever that new may be, without preconceived ideas of what it should look or feel like. Don’t stop the magic from occurring just because it’s not what you ‘thought’ it would be. Be open to all possibilities no matter where you may land.

I’ve told the story in the past of believing I wanted to live in Santa Fe, or at least New Mexico. My journals were full of NM. To my surprise, we ended up living for the last 2 decades in New Milford! Connecticut! A state I had never been to in my life. Yet, it’s proved to be the most wonderful house, in an incredibly magic forest, 7 minutes into town on the back road, with a Cinema, quaint shops, and even a full hospital at our fingertips. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined such a beautiful place, with lovely friends, and so many open doors to new experiences.

Easing into new life is honoring life’s Natural Rhythm.

Furthermore, turn this deep winter time into a retreat: a time to slow down and listen to your inner voice. Like the rising of the Moon and setting of the Sun, we and all life has its own pace to follow successfully. It’s like a pulse or Earth heartbeat that flows in and around us like water. If we listen, we’ll know when energy is strong within us, or in contrast, out of sync with our choices.

I have ‘Lay Low’ days. There are times when whatever I do, has to be redone, fixed, or altered in some way. I feel against the flow. These are times to take a step back, and instead of ‘doing’, I need to rest, renew my source energy, and take a breath to ground myself. I always run into more challenges when I rush to beat a deadline. Instead, I shift gears, and seek inspiration, read something, or connect with Nature and her natural rhythms. This is filling my soul, nourishing the inner me and honoring my own process of nurturing ideas, evolving, and growing.

Therefore,attune yourself to your personal ebb and flow. Lay Low some days and become the empty space within, allowing creativity and new life to find a safe place to grow. Wade into the waters of curiosity and discover amazing parts of yourself. Moreover, ease into the void, the waiting place, and allow all dreams to be born and thrive. Enter the Mystery to find your Truth. Learn to love this spacious dreamland time. It’s a treat for your body, mind, and spirit. Nothing more needs to be done until you Know what comes next.

Enjoy some ‘how to’ art videos as you dream your future into being.

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