Return to your Source. Be Loyal to Your Path. The world is full of noise, from so many people, to so many devices humming through cyberspace. It’s difficult to cut through and to find your sacred space, a place to listen and create a new life that’s best for you. It’s time to pull yourself back from out there, and enter your sanctuary. Imagine a quiet place of beauty, filled with insights and truths special to you alone.
For example, I was distracted by a list of 100 ways to make a living with art. Once I read it over, it looked so familiar. I was drawn into downloading this same list years ago! Plus, I was as overwhelmed by it today as I was back then. None of these ideas ignited a passion in me. This all seemed so old and outdated. It didn’t feel good anymore. New times call for new actions.
So, I quickly switched gears to find my balance, my feelings, and my soul’s desire. First of all, the major step to finding yourself is to step away from the world. I had to enter into the Unknown, the Mystery, to discover new possibilities in this shifting, changing world.
Return to your source with an inner journey.
I always begin by finding my Stillpoint. Here is my center, where my original spark of life began. Also, it’s the part of me that is everlasting, the soul energy that sings its own song. From there, I imagine Light filling my body and aura all around me. This is the light of knowing, peace, and gentle love. The Source is a radiance, here to experience life in all its beauty, shifts, and forms. No judgement here. Just the goal of Being all that I can be as I experience life. Then I paint, journal, and dream.
So, I did the painting above in an intuitive way. No planning, I just let the colors take over. I worked in my sketchbook, since that’s where a lot of the ‘unknown’ paintings go. I never know how they will turn out. Yet, they seem to be the strongest art I make! They come about as though my body moves with some deep inner knowing. Plus, I ended up liking it so much, that I decided to make a second one on canvas, Hidden Springs II. The first painting literally created itself. The second one took 3 days to get it ‘right’. But here it is.
Return to your Source to come home.
Our energy is personal, and flows around us always. We can tap into it by being aware of it, and pouring it into our creations and life. Hidden Springs shows a lush, layered landscape filled with possibilities. We just have to enter into the space and allow energy to flow without limits.
In this painting, I imagine many paths leading to different adventures. One leads to sacred stones, an ancient circle of oak trees, and a crystal ring of the fairies. Others lead to healing pools of water, where I wade in and allow the warmth to bring my muscles and bones into wellness. A favorite is a long beach, where I can walk the cool sands and meet up with loved ones and pets who have crossed over.
The clouds seem to have a life all their own, as the Full Moon energy still pours her power down upon me. The turquoise springs overflow with life and move me through the currents of the world, ever changing and moving forward. I accept and allow all visions to carry me away into other dimensions and adventures.
‘When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.’ Wayne Dyer
The forest is dark, but I’ve heard there is light in the dark, as there is dark in the light. Here is where the unknown lives, the secrets of new potentials just waiting to be discovered. If we enter into the Mystery bravely, amazing worlds of possibilities will open to our senses. It’s a visual, colorful place, that we see when we dream. Nothing to fear here. Just experience the events as they unfold, and bring back the wisdom of the journey.
Are you brave enough to enter the Journey into the Dreamtime? Here lives your Inner Wisdom. The only limitations are the ones you place on yourself, with either your choices or beliefs. In addition, Trust your inner guidance to carry you to experiences for your best interests. All the energy you encounter is yours. Seek answers to your questions here.
Use my painting as an entry point and see where it takes you. See yourself there, at the edge of the healing pool, and find a path to follow. Next, let yourself go with curiosity to discover wondrous things. Breathe deeply through it all. Furthermore, know you can return to the pool, and your room, at any time. Remember who you meet, what you see, animals, plants, artifacts, since each is a meaningful symbol for you in life today. Once you return, write it all down as a diary to reread and consider another day.
Let me know how you return to your source, and what adventures you find there. Above all, have fun, since this is as true a reality as all you see and touch around you.
Here’s another intuitive painting I did to keep moving forward.
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