Winter Solstice Entitlement

Winter Solstice Entitlement

WinterSolsticeTEXTEntitlementA Feast of Light Gift for You: Be Entitled!

Recently, while talking to an affluent really good friend, I heard a word that stopped me in my tracks. He said he was raised by his grandparents to feel he was Entitled. Notice he wasn’t ‘told’ he was ‘entitled’, he was given the belief, the feeling by their example, their approach to life, their living to the fullest. Instead of a ‘risk’, it was an opportunity. Instead of working ‘hard’, you worked ‘smart’. Mainly, you lived with integrity, pursuing your dream, your talents, while being loyal and trustworthy to everyone you encountered. And expecting the SAME from them! Then all your Heart’s Desires would come to you, easily. Deeply embedded in his view of life was the knowledge that if he showed up, did his best, allowed others to their best, he deserves to have every wonderful experience/luxury life has to offer. And he does!

Life is always what you think it is. When I think of ‘entitled’, Little Prince George comes to mind. What an approach to life! What freedom, expansiveness, and opportunity flow in without restriction when you believe you are worthy, that you deserve the best results in all you do. You are responsible to yourself for growing your creative abilities and adding your piece of brilliance to the richness of the World. Think of all the ancestors who got together over the centuries, that ultimately created the person You are here, now, reading this. You are absolutely one of a kind, an original, with your unique perspective to share in life.

Everyone of us is ‘entitled’ to all the best life has to offer because we’re here; we showed up for the great Game of Life. We either create our own dark dramas or our lights of happiness. Our choices every day either embellish and expand our perceptions of wonder and joy, or weaken us with rage and heartache. Stop judging yourself so harshly over all that has happened in the past. Let go of self righteous anger, hurt, and pain. Forgive yourself to free yourself from these heavy chains of guilt and remorse to find the lightness of Being waiting for you. It’s a choice. Start fresh at this beautiful feast of light, ending of the dark long nights of winter, and emerge lighter, freer, with anticipation of the best that’s yet to come. How would you live if you Knew, without a doubt, your entire purpose to be here is to experience love, beauty, peace, and deep ecstatic joy as your Birthright? I plant the seed. Know it. Live it. Try it on for size in all you do.

Be Entitled by Choice!

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

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