Three Magic Owls

Three Magic Owls

Three Magic Owls, Halloween, Way to Live, Insights

Three Magic Owls are the wisdom of choice in a changing world. They are recognizing the two parts of ourselves that present completely different approaches to life.

One is the little self, many call it the Ego, who carries a fear of change, wants to hold onto what it thinks is safe, and feels powerless in the chaos out there. Overwhelm lives here. We’ve all felt it creep over us, create panic and anger from the fear of helplessness.

The other comes from the heart, a place of love, gratitude, and peace. It can be called the Higher Self, the energy that creates magic, synchronicity, and flow. We’ve all felt this too, when life is too good to be true, doors open that change our lives forever, and we live the perfect happiest day ever.

Three Magic Owls show the way to get there. First, Believe that you are More. You have unimaginable powers within you, just waiting for your direction. You are the Creator of your Life.

Everything begins in the invisible realm of Source energy. In the land of dreams, inspiration, and heart’s desire, new possibilities are everywhere.

For example, I wanted to go to college. I felt it was the right path, since I knew I didn’t want just a job. Above all, I wanted a career like my cousin ‘big brother’ had for himself. If he could do it, I could do it.

Then Magic happened. Administrators were seeking students who were good picks for scholarships. It was a win win for all of us. Boom, there I was with an Illinois State Teachers scholarship. College and a career combined! Becoming an Art Teacher for K-12: a dream come true.

Second Owl of wisdom is creating intentions with an open mind. Letting go of the control of ego, opens new doors to the Unknown. This requires us to be flexible, accept all on our path, and do our best with what we have. Here we take a chance, and try new things even if they are scary.

People in our lives are here to teach us something, as they go on their own human adventure of growth. In the invisible realms, we made contracts to be there for people, and sometimes to leave people behind. Each life is a personal exploration. The big picture is accepting all on their path, even when they leave us. Being Alone, doesn’t mean you’re lonely.

Three Magic Owls say we are always where we’re supposed to be.

Thirdly, we must live in Trust that our inner wisdom always puts us in the right place at the right time. There are no coincidences. We are partners with the Grand Universe of potentials. Release the old, anticipate something better.

Also, know each of us is a great Spirit having a Human adventure. We’re here to enjoy the ride, feel the ups and downs, and continually let go of the old, as we discover the next big thing around the corner. This is life on Earth.

So talk little ego out of it’s tight grip on all it thinks life ‘should’ be, and open to More. Imagine a flow of life coursing though us all, bringing us all together in our Divine Selves, and creating a New Earth of light and consciousness. Plus, we have the power of being aware Now, this moment, to create life as we choose. The Spirit in me sees the Spirit in You.

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