Ignite the Fire Within!

Ignite the Fire Within!

Horses of Lascaux

Make Time for Something New.

The New Year is in full swing! Ignite the Fire Within. Do something new and creative that you’ve been wanting to do. Try something you’ve never done before, or do something in a new way. Take an online or in studio class, cook a new dish. Go somewhere different that will open your eyes with childlike curiosity. Get into your body as much as possible. Alert all the senses. Become the Expert of your Self! Tune into your feelings at the beginning of each day. I’m signed up for a 4 week drawing & watercolor online class focusing on faces & figures. The instructor is in Ireland and I really like her approach. Sounds like fun! What sounds like FUN to you?

When you find yourself having a meltdown from overwhelm, embrace it. It’s telling you to pay attention here; there’s something that needs to be shifted. Then delegate it, change it, fix it, or ask for help. Create the change for yourself so you never have to repeat the meltdown conditions again. You are in charge of you. Find ways to lighten up your life.

We all have to throw out the garbage…literally and figuratively. So just Do It! Don’t be consumed by the ‘have to’s’, the ‘should’s’. Show up, get it done, let it go.

What inspires you? Surround yourself with inspiring people. Doing what you love shows others how to be inspired, too. Leave the complacent people behind…the ones that believe it ‘can’t’ be done, the ones that stay in their rut, the ones with the glazed look in their eyes. Nothing is ever accomplished until someone does it! You don’t know all that you’re capable of until you do it. There’s nothing to lose and everything to experience.

I’ve loved these Ancient Cave Horses forever. Figuring out how to create them for myself was a great immersion in solving the ‘how to do it’ challenge. The caves of Lascaux and Chauvet are said to come alive in the flickering light of a fire. Located deep within an intricate maze complex, they were the first experience of animation created by man.


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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

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