Inner Weather Report

Inner Weather Report

jaaguarlagoonTEXT8x10It’s Strange the things that can affect you deeply!

For the last 2 days, the wind has been howling like a train engine tearing past the house. Trees crack in the forest, deck chairs relocate, our wooden hanging goose on the porch keeps knocking on the door! I woke up feeling so ill at ease. Where did my dis-ease with wind begin? At a very young age, I’m sure. I can remember being about 3 or 4 and sitting under my Mom’s sewing machine during raging Chicago storms. My fort of protection, I guess. Fairy tales always had the scariest things happen with wild winds blowing, lightening, & thunder roaring.

I knew it was time to Re-Form my relationship to the wind. It blows away the old, the cobwebs, the fall leaves, and clears the air. Old ideas can be released in the same way, to make way for fresh thinking, new paths to follow. Realizing this is the first step to shifting the energy. Don’t ignore your feelings! Bring them out into the light. Don’t just fly through the day in habit, without balancing your inner feelings with your outer doing. Pay attention to where your feelings may have originated.

Being afraid of the wind is certainly illogical to Monkey Mind, but very real to the inner self. Make the shift about the terror. I looked to see the good of the blowing wind, besides throwing us all off balance. For me, it was time to pay attention and pull my inner pieces together to consciously pursue outer joy, happiness, adventure, and soul in anything I choose to do.

Anything putting you off balance? The News? That really doesn’t touch the lives of most of us in our day to day activities. Let it go, don’t get involved, and see if you lighten up. Is it family drama? I always say Delete the Drama….hit the delete button and really send it off to cyberspace. Holding onto grief or sadness? Put in in a safe place in your heart and allow it to heal. Be grateful for the good you see right before your eyes at this moment. Sink yourself in the Now moment of Power. Look for a smile, and for sure, give a smile. Give the gift of yourself to someone you love. Do a random act of kindness in any way you can. I know a group of artists who create postcards with inspirational thoughts & images, original pieces of art, and leave them at bus stops, on bulletin boards, in shopping carts. These acts, these choices change everything. And the change begins IN You!



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