So I decided to Play Again!
I brought out the polymer and shaped horses, then made molds of them. I drew out horses and patterns, turned them into transparencies, and made solar plates. I wrote my own language, made another transparency and another solar plate. Then I started shaping, rolling, pressing, forming the magical PMC fine silver into crescents, shields, and horses. It’s been awhile since I just played in the studio, but happily, the techniques all came back. I loved it all over again.
Just immersing yourself in creating, hands on doing, letting your intuition take over, is so liberating! Giving over an unlimited amount of time in the creative process frees your soul, opens windows of potentials, and turns on the creative juices as you imagine, make, and solve step by step issues in the moment. So interesting it became all about Horses!!
The Power of Horse symbolizes the Journey, cycles of life, the Land, and the Goddess. This became a journey inward for inspiration, and then outward in the creation process. Making Art is so good for you! It connects you deeply to the inspired Creator Self we all have within us, but so often gets lost in a life of busyness, habits, and routine. We each can attain balance by setting creative time aside daily and allowing play back into our lives. Find new work at my Etsy site: https://www.etsy.com/listing/217703094/cave-horses-of-lascaux-large-earrings?ref=listing-shop-header-0

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