How do we use our passion to find our Unique Gift to the World?
Everyone is Sharing. We see others quotes, images, and thoughts written up, posted, liked, twittered, linked, pinned, and spread like wildfire all over cyberspace. I DO see that this is an amazing time to be able to Share anything, with friends of friends all over the world. Extraordinary videos, ‘how to’ projects, medical diagnosis, healthy eating, healing exercises, not to mention biased news reports with live coverage are available 24/7, faster than we can comprehend it all. But there are times I want to say to the Sharer, what do YOU think?
After we have been the messengers and shared every cute doggie video there is to see, how has this changed us as a person? All this knowledge at our fingertips certainly is influencing each of us daily, but do we ever stop to thing of who we are becoming with all of this input? Do we ever pause to reflect on what our own original thoughts are about this information, about the world, about animals, about life? And what is the passion that continues to draw us to these fascinating facts?
Can we take this passion and move forward on our own path, the path less traveled, and create something totally new that will astound everyone? Can we find our own inner pearl of wisdom to put out to the world from all this accumulated knowledge floating through the air, through our minds, through our hearts? When does our passion become Doing, not just reading, not just sharing, not just being the bystander through life of everyone Else’s thoughts and beliefs? Where has your passion taken you? What have you learned from it all?
I’ve read that we all need to learn to learn. A fascinating take on this is in an article by James Altucher. He wants to home-college his daughters to ‘learn to learn’, to show them how to explore their passions and interests, and then to act on them, find ways to put those passions to work. As he says, “That’s how you unwrap the unique gift you can give everyone else.” Find it here.

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