“The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something that wasn’t there before.” Neil Gaiman

Artist, Writer, Mentor, my art is My Story in images. Each reflects where I am today, at this moment in time. It’s Wonder and Magic as the invisible becomes visible. Symbols are my metaphors for life. Each painting is about Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Body. They inform my way of Being in a changing Multi-dimensional World. Allegories for the Soul, the art and Writing reveal another layer of insight to navigate my Journey.
Filled with wonder and magic, inspired by the inner world, Art becomes a Visual Mediation.
Open to the Magic of the Mystery, enter into the Unknown, and let’s Journey into the Timeless space of a constantly evolving Universe. Born in Chicago, my career was teaching high school and adult art. I also sold my art at art fairs there, before moving to the Enchanted Forest of Connecticut. Even then, my art had Stories to tell, each a reflection of my inner thoughts, journey, and feelings. Now I write morning pages to get to the heart of my life, I paint the skies, animals, and experiences that come my way, and I share these with you as we’re all in this together. This is my connection, communion, with like minded explorers on the path to discover ourselves.
Art is my passion, my escape, my refuge in a storm. I enter my studio sanctuary, away from the noise of the world, and dive deep into the inner journey. Inspiration and imagination live here, along with peace, love, and kindness. I’m so grateful for this gift and invite you to live the Creative Life.
‘Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries.’ Manly Hall
metaphysical: referring to the study of reality and ourselves beyond what we see, such as knowing, consciousness, transcendence, essence, Quantum Physics.
Today, my art reflects my metaphysical and spiritual beliefs. I am part of a grand evolving Universe of Cosmic proportions. The Skies, Light, Sun, Moon and stars represent the malleable Heavens above. Landscapes, caves, stone walls, the Enchanted Forest, artifacts of lives past, and ancient mountains are symbols of Earth. Solid, grounded, physical life, is only one small spectrum visible to the human eye. The Spirit Animals are guides and aspects of ourselves and Nature. A House appears as a metaphor for our Body, the Temple of the Soul. While the Sea is the flow of consciousness, spirit, emotion, movement, and timelessness, existing in the Now. Together they express the Wonder and Magic of our Lives in a changing multi-layered Universe.
Life is but a dream within a Dream” Edgar A. Poe
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‘You touch the extraordinary by doing the ordinary’. Guillermo del Toro