Accepting Life ‘As Is’.

Accepting Life ‘As Is’.

sundancebearTEXT8x10_BESTedited-2We Each have our own Reality!

I continue to think about stopping the hurt, saying the right magical thing to ease the wound, comforting and ‘fixing’ things to make it better. Well….do what you can if you must, but be aware that the only true way to move on in this world is to accept all that happens ‘as is’. Nothing needs fixing, since truly you very likely don’t have the power to ‘fix’ anything.

This is the resistant Mind, wanting to do Something!! The Doing Mind wants to control the situation in it’s false sense of ‘self’. When you Accept all that comes your way as just ‘Is’, when you stop labeling everything good or bad, you free yourself from the dominating Mind, and go into Being. Something greater than the mind takes over and everything shifts….the energy flows differently, a liteness of Being fills you. Letting go of resistance to any situation and accepting it as a part of life, with all our sadness and tears, opens up the consciousness to the inner sacred space, shifting the darkness into inner peace.

There are many layers of ‘reality’ happening simultaneously every moment. We never have the big picture. We can never know completely what pain, grief, suffering, or loss is doing inside to another human being. It may be their greatest teacher leading them to a depth and compassion they had never known before. The outer reality we see may be filling their soul to really touch life in ways we can’t imagine. Deep lessons are found in everything. Break free of the monkey mind of labels, of good/bad, like/dislike, love/hate and choose a saner way to live away from positives and negatives. Accept it all as ‘just is’. ‘Allow it to be’ without your feelings taking over and doing damage to yourself. It may not bring happiness in the moment, but it will bring a Peaceful heart. That’s a great place to start.


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