Ancient Magic is exploring the Unknown as you learn more about yourself and the world. It’s connecting and communicating with the Other World of Spirit, Dreams, and inspiration. The goal is to integrate more wisdom, knowledge, and light.
Owl is Wisdom. As Spirit Guide to the goddess Athena, little owl perched on her shoulder, and whispered brilliant insights along the way. Owl teaches us to detach from outcomes, be open to new ideas, and expand our territory.
White Stag, an ancient ghost from another time, is the Guardian Protector of Sacred Spaces. In addition, he is strong, powerful, and a messenger between the worlds. Together, they make a formidable team as we move forward in a changing world.
I’ve heard this time described as the ‘chaos of creation-on-the-go’. To me, that sounds like being flexible, opening to new experiences, and exploring all avenues of creating my life in a way that makes me happy.
Energies can get so heavy in mass consciousness. I have to remind myself these are not my issues. These past catastrophes in the world, release many pent up old energies. The earth opens up to let the light out.
First of all, I expect miracles every day. If you don’t look for them, they can slip right past. To see Magic, I must shift my perspective. My Art reflects my life in this moment.
Ancient Magic holds the Owl of wisdom and knowledge, plus the Guardian Spirit Stag, looking back at me. The Spirit world of Light is off in the distance. It’s a goal, a destination, a smooth path to follow to move me forward. And New Moon is always a time of new beginnings. Yay!
It’s rather mysterious, with the lightening storms of the real world sky, encircling the golden boundary of an Alternate Reality. Our reality has Owls hooting at twilight as 3 stags search for apples. This is Sacred Space, a communication between the land and Spirit.
Secondly, Be Aware, Conscious of all you do. Then you become the Merlin, the Magician, creating your life, passions, and loves.
“Create a life from what you love.” Jimmy Buffett
Thirdly, be the Master of your Domain. Remember that everything around you is a mirror of your beliefs, thoughts, and actions. Your life is personal in every way, with a reality unlike anyone else.
Therefore, take responsibility for your World and especially your emotions. Release any old heavy memories that hold you back. They aren’t healthy for your body. Be in Flow.
Ancient Magic replaces fear with the curiosity of entering the mystery.
So step back from the heavy feelings of mass consciousness. They are like a black hole that swallow everything good. Most dark things we imagine will never happen, so shift your energy. Lighten up in every way.
“Don’t let the old man in.” Jimmy Buffett
Today, my clothes are the happiest things I have going for me. I dwell on that, and the beauty I see. Also, a voice said bring out my recent hummers and butterflies painting. Then I realize the title of that one is ‘Being Alive’. Here, my heart lives. Inner Sanctuary is the soul of my being, and my Home.
Strive to be like the trees in the forest, receive Sunlight, absorb mist, and share your fresh air gifts to the world. Also, find stability in your roots, and expand your branches to touch the heavens. Life is what you think, feel, and imagine it is.

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