Paris feels so mystical, magical, and sacred.
I experienced something deep, moving, and profound, drawing me into the Paris landscape. It’s ancient, built on many other cities & civilizations over thousands of years. Remnants of ancient powers abound. For example, St Sulpice, standing on the site of a 13th Century church and located in the Latin Quarter, is the second largest church in Paris. Surrounded by famous paintings like Delacroix’s “Jacob Wrestling with the Angel”, a gnomon, a sundial, is a meridian line of brass, inlaid across the floor that ascends to a white marble obelisk. A south window was created with a lens built in, to allow a ray of sunlight to highlight the brass. At noon at winter solstice, a ray of light shines on the obelisk, with the equinoxes marked by the ray hitting an oval plate of copper in the floor. A surprise discovery in an ancient church!
Paris has embraced Saints, miracles, and the divine feminine in its history, spirituality, and art within its very stones. Ancient Goddess statues, temples, and wells became centers for worship over the years. Gothic Churches filled with symbolism, carry the legends & beliefs to present day. Stories of Masonic lay of the land, architecture, & streets astronomically aligned, all give a feeling of connection to arcane knowledge, and something far beyond the mundane world.
I wanted to capture this feeling in my new art. St. Belle Etoile ( pronounced e’twa) is my first, but I think one of many, paintings to now be influenced by these shifts in my consciousness. Paris is in my heart, and now has taken over my studio! Magnifique!

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