Art and Soul Connections

Art and Soul Connections

Madame Roitelet, Ms Little Royal Wren, clever, resourceful, builds her World within our world

Art and Soul Connections come from the deepest dreams. When I create art that speaks to me, I find it also speaks to others.

In an Art Fair some years ago, a young woman came in to get a closer look at one of my shadowbox pieces. A piece of driftwood had been transformed into a Guardian Figure, with painting, beads, and found objects. I told her it was inspired by a National Geographic image of a huge drawing on a cave wall in Gubbio, Italy, 4,000 yrs ago. It was said to be a messenger between the worlds.

She said she felt compelled to come to this art fair by her fiance, who had recently passed away. With both of us in tears, she said The Guardian is why she was there. He wanted her to have this art to remember him always.

I believe this art rises from deep inside my subconscious self. I seem to know how to begin. The size canvas, the colors, and the first image are clear to me. But that’s all. I have to listen, and wait, until the next element rises to my consciousness. Each piece is revealed to me in its own good time. I don’t know the meaning until after it all comes together and I do stream of writing about it.

This is art from my deepest dreams, the ones that connect to my soul. I don’t remember them upon waking, but their images come to me when I start painting, gathering, and creating.

At another Art Show, my tent was near a fence and walkway. I hung art both inside and outside on the tent walls. On the walkway, a father and his son were staring at the painting hanging there. It was Taos Mountain with 3 interlocking circles at the peak. He said they had recently lost his wife, the boys mother, and were looking for art to honor her. Then I told them the title was ‘The Mother’, since this was Taos Mountain, the sacred guardian Mother of the town, deeply rooted in the past and present. It was made for them!

Art and Soul Connections create surprising Magic.

When I was caring for my Mom after surgery, I called in a Shaman woman to do a healing. My Mom believed that healing can come from the hands and intentions, so she agreed to it all. My youngest brother attended, along with the Shaman’s husband. We held the energy for the space.

With a rattle and chanting, focused intent, and long red stone, the Shaman called for spirit helpers. A wolf came and laid next to my mother, as a snake entered and drew out the poison into the red stone. This took some time. My brother and I could feel the room fill with power and energy. Something was happening.

After awhile, we all returned to ourselves, and the red stone was placed outside. With thanks and gratitude, I offered to pay something, but she refused. She said her spirit guide was a black wolf with lightening, and that she would continue to work with my Mom in distance healing.

Then I remembered a painting I had just completed. I have no idea what inspired it at the time, but it was indeed a black wolf with lightening streaking behind it. When I gave it to her, we were all amazed in the moment. A painting made for her before I knew her.

So I suggest at night, before you doze off, try intending to enter the Dream World for direction, healing, or to find alternate realities to bring back to this life. Know that wondrous events are happening, especially the ones from the deeper levels that are hard to remember. Bring magic back into your life each night, as you nourish and connect to your Soul. Art and Life are but a dream.

Now I’m wondering who belongs to this powerful little wren that I just Had to paint? What’s her story? Changing our story changes our present.

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