Art is the Great Escape, As We Inspire Each Other
Art is the Great Escape, especially at this time in our collective lives. I can watch a video of a ‘new to me’ artist, and be inspired to create original art in that style. It excites me to see what I would do with that media.
The unknown quality exists with any art we do if we go in with curiosity, a ‘what if’ attitude, and play ‘discover’ as we go along. Keep what we like, paint over what we don’t. Stand away from it, come back to it tomorrow, and let the painting/art, whatever creative thing you do, tell you if it’s done, or what it needs! This is fun, not thinking hard, and flows easily from our hands.
Art is the great escape when it’s timeless. In this free flowing period, art should be the fun part of our day. Never the ‘must create something’ from 9-1 today scheduled activity, art can not be forced. But yet, to reach the point of pure inspired creativity, it must be done. Pen or color to paper/canvas is the only way to touch the magic.
The above painting started as I made my mark with charcoal, just any scribble my hand wanted to do, then brushed over that with Acrylic Medium to set it. Some smeared, but it’s just the under bones to whatever comes next. Then I just picked colors I love. Some lemon yellow + white, turquoise, and warm white mixed with Prussian Blue. More scribbles with my favorite Neocolor II water crayon. When I experiment, I try things like this in my large sketchbook. That takes the pressure off of making it a masterpiece on canvas.
The Key to inviting ‘inspiration in’ is to keep doing art. When your body is engaged in doing, not thinking, you open to new possibilities. Inspiration flows through the ethers like Magic, as Elizabeth Gilbert says, and you want to be open to capturing the moment. It’s a state of mind, away from the worldly concerns that you have no power over, and into the world of the imagination. This creates major balance and is needed for a healthy body, mind, and heart.
This is the approach I take in the new Dragonfly Art Program Monthly that is being created now. We each inspire and learn from each other. With videos, stories, and inspiration given in small bites each week, we play, explore, and discover our inner visual artist. Join us to get Sunday Art Tips and be informed when the short registration time begins. Return to Art and Play again. Let me know what you think below.

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