My Art Reflects my Life…Draw it, Paint it, Shoot it!
July 15, twilight, we finally saw our elusive bunny, running, leaping, loving life! We thought that was fantastic!! Then over morning coffee in our living room, out run two spotted fawns, chasing, dodging, into the woods and back. They skirted the house, oblivious to the two of us pressed against the window, enjoying the moment. I thought if this outdoor camera my great photographer friend Kathy Fischer was ever needed, this was the time. And here we go!!
Cameras are SO in the moment. They are there in an instant, even when you aren’t, as this great photo shows. I’m always sketching, annotating, drawing out ideas on any paper, napkin, brochure available, when I don’t have my sketchbook at my fingertips. I have mock ups for large paintings taped to my easel, inspiration taped to walls. But when you need to record something fast, grab your camera to take in the moment. Many do, recording others, events, drama, action. But don’t stop there.
What image reflects your feelings in this moment of time? What part of life is a mirror to the eyes of your soul? Selfies aren’t just for groups. Show a part of you as you record what you are experiencing in the NOW. Our deeply moving view of nature was so fast, so spontaneous, it would have disappeared had I reached for the camera. But I wrote down my feelings, my impressions, and happily, the camera captured part of it for me. Art, images, photos, have the ability to freeze a moment in time. It’s just one brief experience set in an image, but try letting your art bring back the deep feelings of that time. Pretend it’s a hologram, loaded with many facets, and sides, that you can immerse yourself into and explore all aspects, even the hidden ones. Allow Art to take you deeper into life, revealing parts of yourself that are easy to miss, but so necessary for the mindful consciousness that you are becoming.

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