Where Have All the Dreamers Gone?
We all need a Dream. A Big Dream. We all need to be a success at something. Whatever that is, it’s easy for you to do because you love it. It comes naturally to you. You were born with this power. We are each good at many things, but we don’t necessarily want to do those things all our lives. Your Big Dream is the Life Changer, never boring, it’s thrilling to do. We all started out as big dreamers. We wanted to succeed, to be recognized, to be the best at something. It’s time to reclaim that birthright.
When we work at being the best in something we love, it becomes Play. Time flies by. You’re excited about doing it. It touches your soul and refreshes like a cool waterfall on a hot summer day. You come alive and can’t wait to begin. Your creative place becomes your Sacred Space for personal inner work, and is the perfect balance to the world out there. Our soul is filled with delicious inspiration, soft as velvet feelings, and thrilling insights. Others on their path motivate us to expand and be the best in doing what we love. Touching this inner world is the Source of Everything. On this path, well-being, peace of mind, love, and abundance flow with your inner enriched radiance. It’s time to Experience the Extraordinary by doing the Ordinary.
Dive Deep into the ‘work’ and Play with us at the Journey to the Dreamtime Online Classes. Learn proven tools and strategies from decades of creativity research to connect with your True Spiritual Core. Work with all different media as you focus on your Personal Best, and discover your Authentic Voice. Bring Beauty, Art, Money, and New Moon Energy manifested into all aspects of life. Register Today: https://tinyurl.com/ybyvh8vw.
This last week I was pulled out of the mundane world and entered the amazing life of Richard Turner. I couldn’t stop watching, listening to this man as he pursued his Dream of being his personal best, achieving success, becoming sought after and influencing lives world wide. His message was so profound, he was invited to speak to MIT students, the brightest of the bright, about success, his dream, and overcoming obstacles. He truly immersed himself in his personal voice, his Play, his unique world and gained abundance, love, and fame along the way. Follow your big dream to fame, fortune, and fun.
Here’s the amazing & inspiring story of Richard Turner in a short trailer about the new documentary of his life ‘Dealt’: http://bit.ly/WatchDealt
So what is Your Big Dream? You can’t pursue it if you can’t name it. How’s your attitude toward ‘manifesting money’? We will work on that with each class, too. The more you trust your Inner Guidance, the more money energy will easily flow into your life. It’s all a part of your Personal Voice. Take our creative path to your own personal discoveries. Join Us https://tinyurl.com/ybyvh8vw

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