There was a Lion in my Back Yard!
In my dream July 9, I saw her from my upper back window. Then a red fox appeared from below, and fiercely attacked this huge lion. I called my husband & said we’d better close the back door since there’s a lion in the yard! And woke up with all these powerful feelings coursing through my body. My Big Dreams always involve animals or ‘animal-people’, like Lionmen or Ravenwomen. The major thing is that it was so fresh and alive in my memory and filled me with feelings.
I Googled ‘Dream Lion and Fox’, and to my amazement, there are pages to be found about these two, everywhere from the ancient Aesop’s Fables to the Renaissance Niccolo Machiavelli. The fox is always clever, cunning, and can outwit any other, but is no match for a pack a wolves. The lion is the bravest, most powerful, courageous leader of them all, but she may miss the trap in the grass. Ideally, one learns to acquire the best traits of both to truly succeed in the world. They should not be fiercely fighting!
I will undoubtedly be looking at how this pertains to my life and my work for probably a long time to come, as insights flow in through the ethers. But for right now, I think the Lion teaches to go forth confidently in my art. I’ve learned so much over the years and applied so many techniques to all I do, it’s time to move forward and put it all out there. Fox is the clever marketeer, choosing the correct paths to follow, connecting to the right people for the art, attracting my tribe to me with the perfect dialogue and images. A mission statement, a marketing plan need to be delved into deeply. We each would be wise to balance the qualities of the Lion and the Fox to become like Machiavelli’s prince: a wise, successful ruler of our own domain.

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