Birthdays are for Celebrating, not counting!

Birthdays are for Celebrating, not counting!

Numbers are all in your head!
Numbers are all in your head!

Society is in mass hypnosis about Counting Years.

Nothing holds more negative baggage than Birthday numbers! Whole industries are based on it. Everything from ‘over the hill’ greeting cards, to TV programming schedules, try to keep pulling us back into some fabricated age label. One of my past students, even posted a FB ‘game’ to see how you will look in 20 yrs. Don’t let anyone plant their image of you in your head! Pull yourself away and have nothing to do with it for your own health and sanity, please!!

I can remember two friends of mine saying they were now 30, time to cut their hair short! What?? Why on earth would anyone live their lives based on someone else’s idea of appropriate age look, dress, or actions??? It was beyond me! At least RealAge is a website available to shift the concept to an individuals physical activity, abilities, and diet, to set a lower number. Whenever I hear someone say in almost a hushed tone, “I’m going to be ____ years old!!! I know they are full of unpleasant thoughts and fear about their future. Your thoughts impact you more than anything! You are what you think you are.

Years ago, I read of a tribe in National Geographic, that had no concept of years, dates, or birthdays. They all continued to live an active life, with never a thought to aging, and they lived long lives! When journalists had them remember their earliest memories, they spoke of comets, earthquakes, and lightening strikes that easily put them in the centenarian category. My family never talked of numbers past the age of 21. I never knew when my mother was sixty, 50, or 30. It didn’t matter. Everyone who sees pictures of the family, comments what great genes we have, since we don’t age….until someone gets sick. Then shifts happen, and aging moves in. But that’s also wrapped into your whole body thinking, feeling self.

Finally someone with fame and fortune has written a book addressing this frame of mind. Christiane Northrup, M.D. has written a new book Goddesses Never Age .I haven’t read it yet, but it sounds like everything I’ve been saying for years! Plus you can find her on a new public TV special, Glorious Women Never Age, this Sat., Feb. 28, on your local PBS station. Here’s a quote, “Agelessness is all about vitality, the creative force that gives birth to new life.” Works for me! So keep creating, learning new things, staying active, and believing in your ageless lifestyle.

“Age is just a number, and agelessness means not buying into the idea that a number determines everything from your state of health to your attractiveness to your value.” Christiane Northrup, M.D.

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Hunting for that great shell on the beach! Hunting for that great shell on the beach!

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