October is the in between time, deep into Fall, not yet Winter. This is one of four blood moons this year, when the tilt of the sun casts the moon in a reddish glow. This is a time to take stock of yourself, your year so far. Who have you lost, what has shifted, who are you now after the changes? Every major life change makes you a new person. It’s a time to honor that, as well as honor all those who have left our lives.
I like to pay attention to the Moon cycles in my life. New Moon begins new projects, Full Moon starts to bring them to completion. It connects you to the Earth, the Tides, the passing of life. It makes you more aware of the life around you and Nature. Dig out that old animal deck and pull some cards, light a candle, burn incense, do something to go deeper right this very minute to remember who you are now in this moment of time. Do something to honor this moment in your life. Dream of what new experiences lie on the horizon. Pay attention. Life keeps changing right before your very eyes!
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